Tag: automation

Automation To Assist Your Manual Trading

Automation To Assist Your Manual Trading

Many users of Bet Angel will have full strategies or systems which they have fully automated by using a combination of the options and conditions available within Guardians Advanced Automation to trigger their bets into the market.

However, using advanced automation does not mean you must trigger bets with it every time, instead if you prefer trading manually and having full control over when you open, close and green up your positions then there’s no reason why you can still …

15/12/2017 | By | Reply More
New version of Bet Angel released

New version of Bet Angel released

We are pleased to announce that a new beta version of Bet Angel Professional is available v1.47.0

Download it from here: – https://www.betangel.com/securedownload … _beta1.exe

Following feedback from our community this version sees:

  • the introduction of Staking Methods
  • the option to calculate Offsets (and Stop Losses) by Percentage instead of ticks.
  • for Advanced Automation users, the ability to quickly Copy Rules between Automation Files.

Staking method

Bet Angel can now vary stake based on the placement price of a …

26/02/2017 | By | Reply More
New Version of Bet Angel Professional

New Version of Bet Angel Professional

Always looking to take your trading further forward, we are pleased to announce a new version of Bet Angel.

You can download it from here: –


The new version of Bet Angel is available for free to any existing users or trialists.

Key new features in this version

The main feature of this version is the introduction of Automation Signals giving automation a huge amount of new flexibility and control. It opens the door to many new possibilities. (For …

03/08/2016 | By | Reply More
Making mincemeat of Strawberries and cream

Making mincemeat of Strawberries and cream

I’m pleased to see the 2nd round has just finished, on the first Saturday! So there is lot of Tennis to cram in on the 2nd week, starting today!

How I learnt to trade Tennis

When I first started to trade Tennis, I needed a few things to be in place. One of those was an understanding of how odds move in match. If I knew that, I could pitch my opening and closing trades just where I wanted. I

03/07/2016 | By | Reply More
Using Advanced Automation on Bet Angel

Using Advanced Automation on Bet Angel

We receive a lot of requests on how to create rules using our Advanced Automation feature. The creation of a rule is a fairly simple process provided you apply basic logic to it. We always advise clients to write down their requirements in logical statements describing the process. You must bear in mind the software cannot make decisions for itself, you must instruct it what to do and then it will act.

The possibilities are endless but let’s start with

14/07/2015 | By | Reply More
Today could be your independence day

Today could be your independence day

Happy 4th of July to our American users. Hold on we don’t have any (yet)!

But the independence I am talking about takes a slightly different slant anyhow.

When we first designed Bet Angel it was a very simple one click interface. As time evolved we branched the product out to include more and more features, it was a reflection of our journey through the markets.

One of the early features we put into Bet Angel was the link to

04/07/2015 | By | Reply More
Major new release of Bet Angel

Major new release of Bet Angel

It’s Wimbledon and just in time, we are delighted to release another new version of Bet Angel. This version builds on recent releases to expand the scope, scale and capacity of the Tennis live scores feature.

Key changes

Alongside some minor updates, the major component of this release is the ability to trade Tennis automatically from within Bet Angel’s Advanced automation tool. Let me explain and show you how!

01 - Trade the server big screen

Download the latest version (Version 1.41)

First you need to download …

28/06/2015 | By | Reply More
BETDAQangel now includes automation

BETDAQangel now includes automation

While you have been busy filling your face with chocolate over Easter the team here have been busy road testing the latest version of Bet Angel for BETDAQ. It is now ready for release!

The latest upgrade is on top of the all the recent upgrades we made to the previous version of Bet Angel for BETDAQ, which you can view here: –


This latest version now includes automation.


Using automation you really have little excuse for not …

07/04/2015 | By | Reply More
Automated trading on Betfair – Profiting from a steamer

Automated trading on Betfair – Profiting from a steamer

When a horse starts getting backed, people will often pile into the gamble and the price will steam in. You can benefit from this, using Bet Angel’s automation tools…

One of the best trades to pick up on in a horse racing market is a jolly good ‘steamer’. That is horse racing parlance for a horse who keeps on getting backed and backed, the opposite to a ‘drifter’. There can be any number of reasons for this to happen …

22/02/2015 | By | Reply More
Automating your activity with Bet Angel

Automating your activity with Bet Angel

Bet Angel automation is quite simple. When you first fire it up though, you may not thing this but lets look at why a complicated looking interface is easy to understand once you look at each section in turn rather than as a whole.

Rules files

Firstly, let’s have an overview of the terminology. In Bet Angel we call the automation instructions ‘Rules’. These ‘Rules’ simply tell Bet Angel what to do and when to do it. You can …

22/06/2014 | By | Reply More
Simple Tennis Automation

Simple Tennis Automation

With the Australian tennis open about to start, I thought I would look at automating some tennis markets and see what can be done.

The Australian Open is mens tournament a is played over five sets, there is no tie breaker in the final set either. Out of the grand slams, only the US Open has a tie breaker in the final set. Without a tie break matches can, in theory, go on indefinitely. Although the longest ever grand slam

13/01/2014 | By | Reply More
Automating your football trading

Automating your football trading

Bet Angel contains a very powerful automation tools. In this article we look at how this can help automate a simple strategy on football.

Automation is as simple or complex as you wish. To help you we plan to create a library of simple automation files that you can download and build upon.

For this automation strategy we will look at backing or laying the draw. We want to automatically place a bet just before kick-off then exit the trade …

29/12/2013 | By | Reply More
Automating your football trading

Automating your football trading

For those who have not yet tried the advanced automation feature within Bet Angel, football offers several opportunities to try this out. If you are unfamiliar with any features in Bet Angel, try them out in practice mode.

In this example I am going to show you how to automate a simple trade on the Over/Under 2.5 market and green out for a profit. I’ll explain why this works and things to look our for.

The Over/Under 2.5 goals …

02/10/2013 | By | Reply More
Creating a ‘fat finger’ rule with Bet Angel automation

Creating a ‘fat finger’ rule with Bet Angel automation

I slipped this video into the section on automation last weekend, but I reckon a few people would have missed it; because I didn’t specifically highlight it.

This video demonstrates how to create a rule using Guardian automation to capture favourable odds that can be created when the market goes a bit ‘loopy’. It’s a rule that can run in the background automatically regardless of what you are doing in your main trading interface.

We have a thread on the

19/05/2013 | By | Reply More
Grey bot

Grey bot

Messed around in the Greyhound markets yesterday with a surprisingly good results. I don’t know whether it was the weather, other participants or what, but it seemed OK.

Because of the lack of scale I can’t really participate in the greyhound markets much, they are just too small for me. But I wanted to have a play to see what they were like in comparison to the last time I did it. Not much has changed.

Average turnover was between …

09/02/2012 | By More
Winding down..

Winding down..

We are well on the run in now for the Xmas break now and this are going to get a little quiter as the week rolls on. Quieter apart from at home because the kids are off school now! Racing comes to a close on Thursday and there is no racing on the Friday or Saturday.

Plenty of decent racing on the Saturday just gone and it proved a good days trading. Best result of a good bunch came from …

19/12/2011 | By More
Lay the draw – automatically

Lay the draw – automatically

Last week we backed the draw using the new automation feature in Bet Angel, this week we lay it.

Whether you use the new feature to implement something or test an idea, it’s a powerful tool to do either. Based on immediate feedback we have expanded the number of conditions you can apply to your automation which expand your capability further. Bear in mind that using the practice mode you can play around without risking any money and by using …

03/12/2011 | By More
Back the draw

Back the draw

OK, this isn’t a strategy, it’s a demonstration. But here is a simple script that uses the new automation tool to back the draw five minutes before the start of a football match and then lays it back five minutes into the match.

You can view the video here at http//www.betangel.tv


24/11/2011 | By More
Automation – Major new release of Bet Angel

Automation – Major new release of Bet Angel

We are delighted to announce a new version of Bet Angel!

This morning we have released a new beta version, 1.30, which includes a brand new feature.

The new feature focuses on automating your betting or trading activity and builds on the work we have done with Guardian and the Excel spreadsheet link. In fact you can use this new feature along side any activity in your core market and / or any activity you have in a spreadsheet.…

18/11/2011 | By More
Many hands make light work

Many hands make light work

If you are searching for that elusive edge, have you thought about utilising Bet Angel’s many varied automated features? They say that many hands make light work and it’s true on these markets as well, even if they are virtual hands.

Using the spreadsheet functionality on Bet Angel it’s possible to construct very simple to very complex commands, instructions, tools and scripts to do pretty much whatever you want. You can also use it to test ideas or concepts fully …

21/10/2011 | By More


I had my own international experiance last night when I met up with Howard Hamilton from Soccermetrics. A dedicated group of stats experts huddled in a pub in Fulham to discuss all things football related. Could have done with a quieter pub!

With so many international matches going off at once, or at best close to each other, you may consider using a generic strategy that you can automate. All this can be done in practice mode as well, …

07/10/2011 | By More
Look, no hands…

Look, no hands…

One upshot of Betfair’s recently decision to increase their rake from more successful users like myself is that I have revisited my love of interacting on the exchanges with spreadsheets.

I have taken some time out from ‘normal’ trading to work on spreadsheets a bit more. This is to see if I can create something that works fully automatically for me where the payoff will now be particularly high as it takes none of my time to execute. When something …

19/08/2011 | By More


I read some comments yesterday evening from some ‘traditional’ punters about how they were pleased Betfair’s new charges were going to get rid of the bots. Unfortunately for these posters, the opposite is almost certainly likely to be true. There is some pretty simple logic behind it.

Say you have a winning bot that makes money on a market and you suddenly face higher charges. At this level you would most likely work more aggressively to make more to offset …

20/07/2011 | By More