Aintree Grand National meeting

03/04/2014 | By | Reply More

I’ve prepared a couple of videos for you to do with the Grand National meeting, see below. To get videos as they are released click on this link.

This is a curious meeting for me each year. It’s not on the scale of some of the really large meetings, but is still a decent meeting in it’s own right. The problem I have here is that I never seem to pull off anything spectacular from it. On a race by race basis I do now and again, just not consistently. That feels odd to me, because it’s a decent enough meeting to shoot for some big totals. But whenever I am in these markets they feel much weaker. You want to really go for it, but it seems like you are treading on egg shells and a little shove too much and it breaks. I’ve already done that once this week.

Day three, Saturday, of course is dominated by the Grand National and pretty much everything else will fade into the background. I’m always perplexed how this race has grown to the profile it has. I’m sure those in racing are pleased for boost in profile it gives each year. But for I and others in the industry it’s that one race of the year that everybody wants an opinion on, but the race on which you can’t really give one.

Good luck whatever you do!


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Category: Horse Racing

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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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