Tag: grand national

Top five tips for winning on the Grand National

Top five tips for winning on the Grand National

It’s the Grand National and it’s one of the most famous horse races of the year it’s the race that everybody has a bet on, but very few will win.

Here are five top tips on how to win on the grand national this year: –

(1) Place a bet that will win more if you win

My first suggestion for you is to pick a horse at random from the ground national, after all, that’s what everybody else does. …

14/04/2018 | By | Reply More
Aintree Festival and the Grand National

Aintree Festival and the Grand National

Cheltenham is behind us, and the flat season is officially underway and this weekend we have the last major jumps meeting of the year which is, of course, nations favourite race – The Grand National.

While Cheltenham attracts the more serious and seasoned punter the Grand National is undoubtedly the race that everybody knows and anyone usually has a punt or gets involved in some form or another. That usually throws up some great trading opportunities.

Aintree Festival

The Aintree …

11/04/2018 | By | Reply More
Aintree, the Grand National and fallers

Aintree, the Grand National and fallers

If there is one thing Aintree is known for it is spectacular fallers. In 2011 British racing yielded to public opinion and changed the fences at Aintree. The idea was to stop more fallers and serious injuries to horses. Did that happen? Will it happen? What the key factors behind a faller in a race?

Source data

To answer all the questions I took a look at half a million horses that raced around the various jumps races over the

07/04/2017 | By | Reply More
Aintree Grand National and fallers

Aintree Grand National and fallers

If there is one thing Aintree is known for it is spectacular fallers. In 2011 British racing yielded to public opinion and changed the fences at Aintree. The idea was to stop more fallers and serious injuries to horses. Did that happen? Will it happen? What the key factors behind a faller in a race?

Source data

To answer all the questions I took a look at half a million horses that raced around the various jumps races over the

09/04/2016 | By | Reply More
Best of a bad job

Best of a bad job

Well that was an interesting day. I knew it was going to be a case of doing the best I could in tricky circumstances. Despite being tired it all worked out roughly in the end. But it didn’t feel like a successful day!

First up, the run-away leader in the US Masters made this a particularly tricky Masters this year around. I wanted a record result, I desperately wanted to break a four figure sum but it looks like that

11/04/2015 | By | Reply More
How to win every year on the Grand National

How to win every year on the Grand National

So the Grand National is upon us and that monumental task faces us again, picking a winner from 40 runners. Worse than that, all our friends will want a tip as well.

Picking the winner from this incomprehensible field is a bit of a nightmare. There are some common trends that are touted each year. Horses that haven’t won over three miles are generally not considered, as are horses with no experience of large fields. Positives are age, experience, proven

10/04/2015 | By | Reply More
Picking a winner on the Grand National

Picking a winner on the Grand National


05/04/2014 | By | Reply More
Aintree Grand National meeting

Aintree Grand National meeting

I’ve prepared a couple of videos for you to do with the Grand National meeting, see below. To get videos as they are released click on this link.

This is a curious meeting for me each year. It’s not on the scale of some of the really large meetings, but is still a decent meeting in it’s own right. The problem I have here is that I never seem to pull off anything spectacular from it. On a race …

03/04/2014 | By | Reply More
Betfair charts from the Grand National

Betfair charts from the Grand National

For your interest, here is the front of the field from the Grand National today. Hopefully this will give some insight into where you went wrong / right today. I flagged up on one of the most likely main moves during an interview I did on Radio early this morning. I’ll post up the interview early next week. Off for a well deserved rest now!


06/04/2013 | By | Reply More
Aintree grand national meeting

Aintree grand national meeting

This is a curious meeting for me each year. It’s not on the scale of some of the really large meetings, but is still a decent meeting in it’s own right. The problem I have here, is that I never seem to pull off anything spectacular from it. On a race by race basis I do now and again, just not consistantly.

That feels odd to me because it’s a decent enough meeting to shoot for some big totals. But …

05/04/2013 | By | Reply More
Betdaq go commission free on the Grand National

Betdaq go commission free on the Grand National

Betdaq continued their act of throwing down the Gauntlet today, by making the bold move of offering the highest profile betting race of the year completely free of commission. That’s right you heard it here first, the Grand National will be offered at 0%!

I’ve always been an advocate for a competitive market and this sort of thing is a direct result of a more competitive market. This can only be benefical for exchange end users. Whatever your objection for …

04/04/2013 | By | Reply More
After Aintree – Time for some R&R

After Aintree – Time for some R&R

With the Aintree meeting now behind us it’s time to take stock and get some R&R ready for the start of the flat season proper.

Aintree meeting

The Aintree meeting was a peach and I had good days most of last week, including the important races at Aintree. The Grand National was pretty eventful overall and lived up to expectations in all respects. We captured extensive data, which we are analysing in the early part of this week. But the …

16/04/2012 | By More
Grand National 2004 style

Grand National 2004 style

Interested in seeing what Betfair looked like in 2004?

While busy preparing for this year’s Grand National I went back through the archives. In it I found a few screenshots that I had taken from way back in 2004, I thought I would share them with you. It was around 2004 that I started doing detailed archives of my work.

It’s interesting to see how some things have changed but some haven’t. I haven’t made a note of when these …

14/04/2012 | By More
Record day

Record day

Phew, what a weekend that was!

We are now entering peak season for all things sports related and this weekend was a good warm up for the months ahead. It also set a new bench mark for me as the Saturday just gone turned out to be my best ever day on Betfair! Whether I can ever beat such a storming weekend is another question. When you have been going for as long as me, you need a little luck …

12/04/2011 | By More
A Grand day out

A Grand day out

Last year’s Grand National will be remembered for Tony McCoy finally winning his first race with Don’t Push It. The pair are ready for battle again this year and the biggest race of the year offers a great chance for traders to profit at Aintree.

Most of what we do means we’ve normally settled up before the race, but that’s not to say there are no opportunities mid-race. We’ve had a look at a few horses in the running tomorrow …

09/04/2011 | By More
Tiring weekend ahead

Tiring weekend ahead

First day of Aintree is now behind me and I can take that knowledge forward to today. I had a difficult start yesterday but ended up doing OK on the day overall in the end. I think I could have done better, but lets see what today brings. If you remember Cheltenham, you will be pleased to know that the Betdaq markets are working well at Aintree also, so bear than in mind today if you are finding the going …

08/04/2011 | By More
A grand grand

A grand grand

Well that is one Grand National that will stick in the memory for a while. McCoy finally landed the one race that had eluded him and I tipped it up! There’s a first and it will probably be the last national tip I’ll ever land. As it is, I think I just created a problem for next year, when all those I told this year return for next years winner. Despite warning them, I am sure they will think there …

12/04/2010 | By More
Grand National

Grand National

It’s that once day a year when everybody, even if they don’t like horse racing, has a little flutter on it.

Before I started my career on betting exchanges the Grand National was the only race I really knew anything about. I was aware of the Derby and the St Leger and some of the big meetings, but it was always the Grand National that caught everybody’s attention, including mine. I distinctly remember several successful bets that my mum placed. …

10/04/2010 | By More
Treacle trading

Treacle trading

090404-1615-retrieving-your-bets-copyI can’t remember a day when I was so nervous about using the exchanges.

On Saturday, Grand National day, my biggest concern was with the stability of Betfair itself. As the day wore on and we came to the traditional 3pm pinch point, things were slower but bearable for me. Speaking to some other traders and customers though, they didn’t feel comfortable with the delays and quit. I guess the strain on Betfair was so high that delays were inevitable.…

07/04/2009 | By More
Get your Grand National sweepstake kit here

Get your Grand National sweepstake kit here

Each year this is the one race that everybody has a bit of a punt on. Whether they nip to the bookies or do something via an office sweepstake this is one of the biggest betting events of the year. Bit of a lottery the national, but that doesn’t seem to stop people having a go each year. There are some hints and tips at https://www.grandnationalbettingtips.co.uk/, as well as an office sweepstake kit, so enjoy!

A lot of day …

04/04/2009 | By More