A grand grand

12/04/2010 | By More

Well that is one Grand National that will stick in the memory for a while. McCoy finally landed the one race that had eluded him and I tipped it up! There’s a first and it will probably be the last national tip I’ll ever land. As it is, I think I just created a problem for next year, when all those I told this year return for next years winner. Despite warning them, I am sure they will think there is some skill in it!

I traded the race well and was suprised just how much movement there was on it. There was quite a fuss over the SP returned by the industry which was apparantly the worst for 20 years. A lot of this was put down to the movement in prices just before race, apparantly.  But I am sure it was still a massive betting race, I’ve seen a number of estimates as to the amount wagered but it’s safe to say it’s in the hundreds of millions. Betfair achieved turnover of £7.2m which was down on last years £7.8m.

I think I got the tactics just about right for the race and pulled in the decent result, though I think I could have done better. There were a few movers on the day, but that’s not surprising given the opening prices of some of them! I couldn’t quite understand why Mom Mome was at such a short price? It did drift nicely in the end.

With all the fun over, we now enter the start of the evening racing and peak season. Once again I failed to do as much as I wanted in the winter, so I think that this year may be the last where I am full on all the time. Hopefully I will hit some of the few remaining milestones I want this year and next year will be the time when I finally take some long overdue  time off. It’s nearly been ten years since I first logged into Betfair so I think I am long overdue a personal reward for my efforts!

Till then my attention is firmly fixed on the summer season ahead.

100410 - 1615 - National - Mon Mome

100410 - 1615 - Grand Grand - Copy


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Category: Horse Racing

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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