RSSCategory: Greyhound racing

Going Grey

Going Grey

Back in 2010, I commented during some bleak winters months, I had a dabble at Greyhound markets.

Since then I hadn’t done much work on Greyhounds as the return per day didn’t justify the effort. However, since that last post, two things may me revisit them.

The first is some renewed interest in the forum, and the second is the turnover figures I saw when I reviewed the markets at the start of the year. Bet Angel has …

11/06/2017 | By | Reply More
Gone To The Dogs

Gone To The Dogs

So if this is your first years trading then the last few weeks may have been a bit of a shock for you following the hectic summer period.

You go from being spoilt for choice over which markets to trade just a few weeks ago, to suddenly having very few markets to look at. The ones which are available will have a very different feel to what you have become accustomed to – however this is perfectly normal for this …

05/11/2016 | By | Reply More
Grey bot

Grey bot

Messed around in the Greyhound markets yesterday with a surprisingly good results. I don’t know whether it was the weather, other participants or what, but it seemed OK.

Because of the lack of scale I can’t really participate in the greyhound markets much, they are just too small for me. But I wanted to have a play to see what they were like in comparison to the last time I did it. Not much has changed.

Average turnover was between …

09/02/2012 | By More
Opportunity through adversity

Opportunity through adversity

OK, so it looks like there will be no ‘real’ racing in the UK for a while. But rather than bemoan your fortune use the opportunity to experiment, examine and look for new ideas or opportunities.

Quite a few years ago I got into the mode of taking time off in February. I learnt that it was the lowest yielding month of the year and part or all of it could easily be skipped without too much impact. So I …

08/02/2012 | By More
Alternative racing today

Alternative racing today

With the UK racing looking like it is heading for a weekend white out, it’s worth looking at other alternatives at this time.

This morning in Australia we have a meeting at Moonee Valley that usually brings half decent liquidity. Over £200k was traded on the 10:15 which, while below normal UK volumes, isn’t half bad. You also have Meydan racing on today where volumes have been picking up nicely. That comes on line a little later in the morning.…

03/02/2012 | By More


Had a quick go at the televised Greyhound racing last night. Nothing special but a satisfactory result. There are lots of greyhound races on each day and if you have never tried it, it is worth giving it a go. Volumes can reach £10-20k per race and the markets are a little illiquid, but they are a decent supplement to horse racing for smaller users.


09/02/2011 | By More
Going grey

Going grey

With the weather hitting the horse racing, I’ve been playing around in Greyhound markets a lot more. Greyhound markets are a different beast from horse racing for sure, but they are viable as a market. I don’t think they are viable on the scale of other markets but they certainly can produce the goods. I can’t afford to spend too much time on these markets but I think they should be of interest to many others.

In this P&L you …

22/12/2010 | By More
No end in sight

No end in sight

Just been browsing the Met Office web site for news on when the cold weather will end. Unfortunately, despite a respite at the weekend, it looks like it is still here for a while. The main issue being a high pressure in the Atlantic blocking progress of a westerly airstream.

I was on fire this week last year and could do no wrong, difficult to be on fire this year. On a daily basis there is very little to be …

09/12/2010 | By More
The week that wasn’t

The week that wasn’t

I picked a good week to be ill last week. Never will a chest infection and fever be so well timed!

It’s never fun to be ill but with so much racing cancelled last week and some football, there was little going on in the markets. It can be really tough making money sometimes but a complete absense of opportunity obviously isn’t going to help either. But I actually quite enjoy the lack of pressure to perform and the chance …

06/12/2010 | By More


You could claim to be speechless about the prospects of racing this week. It looks like only the ‘all weather’ racing will survive, with all the other courses likely to struggle. But this title refers to my inability to speak well this week thanks to flu. Time for a break!

[Edit : Got a text from my local school saying there were 72 children off with the same thing, I hope you don’t get it]

Back to the weather, it’s …

29/11/2010 | By More
Greyhound racing in steep decline

Greyhound racing in steep decline

Most people are familiar with how the levy raises money for horse racing, but this also applies to Greyhound racing. Both sets of funding are falling but the most recent decline in the Greyhound funding must be quite worrying for the sport.

Income from off course bookmakers to the British Greyhound Racing Fund is now expected to only reach £8.5m, compared to the 2009 budget of £10m, and £12m in 2008.

Full story here.


22/02/2010 | By More


Popped into the Greyhound markets last night. My interest was that Betfair were sponsoring it last night and I thought that may add some liquidity and make it worthwhile. Trading the dogs isn’t like the horses, it’s much more volatile but it generally works in a similar way and similar styles can apply.

I never get a massive amount out of the dogs but it can add a bit to the day. The funny thing about last night was the …

23/09/2009 | By More
Who let the dogs out?

Who let the dogs out?

I thought of calling this post ‘Dogging’ but changed my mind! LOL!

I noticed last night that it was the greyhound derby semi finals at Wimbledon. I’ll often nip in and do something on the Dogs if I get the chance and I did last night. If you have never traded them before they are worth a go but don’t expect horse racing like results. The liquidity is lower and the opportunities a bit up and down. The main opportunities …

20/05/2009 | By More
Flying winner

Flying winner

If you are looking for some new trading ideas you may want to look at Greyhound racing. Most meetings are bags meeting and attract little volume, but the televised meetings seem to pull in decent turnover. Last week I stumbled across an evening card at Perry Barr and had a dabble.

You can put through reasonable volumes through these markets, in one race alone I accounted for just over 7% of the the entire market! It was a curious market …

26/01/2009 | By More