Gone To The Dogs

05/11/2016 | By | Reply More

So if this is your first years trading then the last few weeks may have been a bit of a shock for you following the hectic summer period.

You go from being spoilt for choice over which markets to trade just a few weeks ago, to suddenly having very few markets to look at. The ones which are available will have a very different feel to what you have become accustomed to – however this is perfectly normal for this time of year as most of the sporting calendar winds down for the winter and the UK horse racing makes its transition from the flat turf to the National Hunt and evening AW racing.

So, what to do instead?

This is a good time of the year to take the time to explore new avenues and markets you may not have thought about or had the time for with so much already going on through the summer. One of these worth having a look at is the Greyhound markets, don’t let the lack of liquidity put you off what they lack here they make up for in sheer volume of daily races. Typically, there is over 100 markets everyday 7 days a week just from the UK. These start around 10:30am and run through to about 22:00pm – so many that trying to trade them all manually is just way to exhausting and mentally draining, however a few hours each morning or evening either side of the afternoons racing is more than possible. Even during the afternoon can be worth a look on the days when racing is abandoned as a lot of meeting could be as we get further into the winter months.

Probably the best way to approach the Greyhound markets and certainly my preferred way is with automation, because of the sheer number of markets it makes it very easy to test out plenty of ideas and develop strategies and when you do find a profitable strategy it only needs to make small but regular profits to quickly mount up – an average of about 25p per race still equals nearly £750 per month.


The low liquidity I mentioned earlier can actually be used to your advantage as markets will often have plenty of gaps between the prices which its self can be great for building strategies around by offering rather than taking the current prices available and most will produce some good swings so large stakes are not required. Typically, you can expect to see around matched amounts of around £5k-£15k per race most of which arrives in the final 2-3mins with the exception of the OR races which can attract up to £25k per race.

Getting Started

If your interested in giving it a go but not sure where to start there is a few example files especially made just for the Greyhound markets which are available for users to download from the Bet Angel forum that can be used straight away and should give you some ideas to get you started.


So, if this is your first year of trading or if you have not yet looked at the Greyhound markets then I would defiantly recommend doing so you might just surprise yourself and when the markets do pick up again next year you can continue to run any automation strategies you have created in the background.


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Category: Featured, Greyhound racing, Using Bet Angel

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