Trading Tennis in-clay – When it’s good to see Red

20/04/2017 | By | Reply More

European clay court Tennis, Group Racing at Newmarket, the Grand National behind us; spring is definitely here!

We are now on the cusp of a lot of major sporting action. The Monte Carlo Masters Tennis is a signal to start dusting down things for the French Open. The European clay court season is upon us and it presents us with some decent opportunities. 

Tennis – Why Red Clay can equal Green

Clay is an interesting surface for Tennis because of the impact it has on the ability to break serve. In the graphic below you can see that I have ranked service holds by surface and gender across 1000 players. 

Serve by gender

Grass has is a fast service and has a low bounce, therefore it is the easiest surface on which to hold serve.  So I then looked at the difference in service holds across all surfaces and gender. You can see that women players are less likely to hold serve full stop. But that failure expands much more when you start playing on clay.

Clay is a much slower surface and therefore, it’s easier to break serve / not hold your service game. Breaks of serve are great, so that is why this is an interesting time of the year. Women’s Tennis on clay is much more likely to see a decent trading opportunity.

Newmarket Craven meeting

The arrival of the Newmarket Craven meeting indicates that evening racing is about to get underway and also those pesky two-year-old maidens are upon us. With little form lines to go on these races can be really interesting trading fodder, if you catch the right side of them. Even traditional gamblers are often following the market on these races.

But overall, a welcome sign of busier times to come.


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Category: Horse Racing, Tennis, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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