Finding a front runner – Exclusive offer & free trial

16/03/2016 | By | 2 Replies More

Click here to take up an exclusive free seven day trial of Pacecards

Trading in-running

One excellent strategy you can use on betting exchanges, is backing or laying before the off and trading out in-play. Many Bet Angel customers do this or a variation of this, , as part of a profitable activity in the market.

In-running tools

Bet Angel is great for this as you can do it manually or automatically using the automation. On the manual front we have the ‘In-play trader’ tool where you can quickly and easily back or lay with the click on a mouse. On the automation front we have a very powerful automation tool and if that feels daunting don’t worry, as we have a large number of pre-prepared automation examples for you to use.

We recently introduced an upgrade to the automation, specifically with the idea of creating a generic rule which you then manually make specific selection. It’s perfect for this type of tactic. It’s really neat, take a look if you haven’t seen this feature.

But how do you find something that is likely to steam or drift in running?

I recently did a ton of research for a couple of years to careful unpick the in-running market and carefully model it. One of things I figured was that some horses like to lead and others like to follow. As herding animals, you naturally get one style or the other. Jockey’s know this and run horse to their strengths.

This tends to produce horses that trade lower or higher in-running regardless of the final result and that’s way people exploit to create a successful in-running strategy.

I started to discover horses that traded higher or lower in-running that you would expect and I thought if I could come up with a list of these each day it would be of significant benefit to a back to lay, or lay to back strategy.

Somebody beat me to it

As I headed off down this path, I was contacted by somebody that had managed to do this already. Not only that, but in a really neat and easy to understand format. So rather than re-invent the wheel that’s why I’m recommending the service to you.

The service is called Pacecards and it’s geared around finding horses that are likley to be held up or front run. The service allows you to look at the daily racing card and quickly filter  races that are of interest and drill right down to the running style of individual horses.

As you know, we don’t often recommend third party services unless we have an excellent reason to do so. This service deserves that recommendation.

We have teamed up with Pacecards to give you an exclusive seven day trial of the service. I think that’s the best way to experience what they have to offer. Click on the following link to take up the offer. Whether you want to trade manually or automatically, I think you will benefit from this offer, so enjoy!

Click here to take up an exclusive free seven day trial of Pacecards



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Category: Horse Racing, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

Comments (2)

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  1. a@circle says:

    So far so good, gave it a go yesterday and I was in profit.
    I’m going to test for the rest of the week.

    Buy the way there would be around 300 to lay for the strong runners in front.

  2. Facedcomic says:

    Hi there, I came across this post and went to have a look at but could not access there site. Have they gone out of business or is there another similar service you would recommend? You sounded almost on the verge of creating your own service? Many thanks in advance for any direction you can offer.

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