Betdaq and Irish racing

18/07/2015 | By | Reply More

We have a confluence of opportunity today, but unusually, it will be pronounced on Betdaq.

To understand why we need to look at two factors. Prior to 2008 I wasn’t really active on Betdaq. I took an interest in 2008, but it was pretty quiet. However my hand was forced in 2011, so I started to set about doing something in earnest from that point. Volume, noticeably on horse racing has been rising steadily since then to the point where it’s perfectly tradable on a day to day basis now.

Over time I’ve used the data from trading markets to examine my weak points and also where the strong points are and that is what brings on this post today.

If you look at my best day on Betdaq it’s always a Saturday. Traded volumes are always strongest on a Saturday and stand out way above the other days. My view on this is that Betdaq has more ‘pure’ money flowing through their exchange so quality racing stands out much more. On Betfair there is a fair amount of ping pong money around and that masks poorer quality racing by inflating traded volumes. When money arrives on Betdaq it tends to be more genuine.

I’ve also noticed that Irish racing is particularly strong on Betdaq. If you take traded volume on Betdaq and divide it into the Betfair volume it’s lower, we know that. But on Irish racing it runs at about double the ‘normal’ volume. So a Saturday and an Irish race is a good combination.

Today we have racing from the Curragh and Irish Oaks has prize money for the winner of €232k. That dwarfs any money from the UK. So that lines up to be a good opportunity.

Irish racing, in general, turns over less money than the UK, but sometimes quantity doesn’t equal quality when it comes to opportunity. So that’s why I’ll be having a good look at the Curragh today, especially on Betdaq.


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Category: Betdaq, Horse Racing

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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