RSSCategory: Betdaq

Betdaq up the ante

Betdaq up the ante

First off, get FREE fully featured Betdaq software at – Don’t worry if you don’t have a Betdaq account as you can get one when you first log in.

Volumes have been inching up on Betdaq’s horse racing markets for some time and they are encouraging even more activity with some new offers and a completely new commission system.

The firs thing that should catch your interest is that Betdaq are commission free at Ascot and Newmarket on Saturday. 

01/10/2015 | By | Reply More
Betdaq and Irish racing

Betdaq and Irish racing

We have a confluence of opportunity today, but unusually, it will be pronounced on Betdaq.

To understand why we need to look at two factors. Prior to 2008 I wasn’t really active on Betdaq. I took an interest in 2008, but it was pretty quiet. However my hand was forced in 2011, so I started to set about doing something in earnest from that point. Volume, noticeably on horse racing has been rising steadily since then to the point where

18/07/2015 | By | Reply More
BETDAQ Royal Ascot promotion

BETDAQ Royal Ascot promotion

BETDAQ is back with a key promotion at Royal Ascot, well timed if I say so myself!

As I’m sure you’re aware, next week is a huge one for traders with Royal Ascot and the US Open taking place. BETDAQ has traditionally performed well during the big meetings (see the image below), if not better nowadays than Betfair. So it’s an ideal opportunity to give it a try next week. I tend to trade on both exchanges during these key

12/06/2015 | By | Reply More
Best of a bad job

Best of a bad job

Well that was an interesting day. I knew it was going to be a case of doing the best I could in tricky circumstances. Despite being tired it all worked out roughly in the end. But it didn’t feel like a successful day!

First up, the run-away leader in the US Masters made this a particularly tricky Masters this year around. I wanted a record result, I desperately wanted to break a four figure sum but it looks like that

11/04/2015 | By | Reply More
Losses refunded – BETDAQ trading promotion

Losses refunded – BETDAQ trading promotion

In line with the release of the new version of BetDAQ Angel, view the video here, BETDAQ would love you to give it a decent test drive. Therefore they are offering you a rebate on losses on your account while you give it a good thrashing. There has never been a better time to give trading on BETDAQ a try, especially now you can automate it using the new version of Bet Angel for BETDAQ.

Download a copy of

10/04/2015 | By | Reply More
BETDAQangel now includes automation

BETDAQangel now includes automation

While you have been busy filling your face with chocolate over Easter the team here have been busy road testing the latest version of Bet Angel for BETDAQ. It is now ready for release!

The latest upgrade is on top of the all the recent upgrades we made to the previous version of Bet Angel for BETDAQ, which you can view here: –

This latest version now includes automation.

Using automation you really have little excuse for not …

07/04/2015 | By | Reply More
Major upgrade for BETDAQangel

Major upgrade for BETDAQangel

We are pleased to announce a new version of Bet Angel for Betdaq.

Bet Angel for Betdaq is completely free of charge, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t download and try a copy. If you don’t have a Betdaq account we can set one up for you when you install the software.

This is a major upgrade and brings with it many features that people have previously requested and brings Betdaq up in line with features that

30/01/2015 | By | Reply More
Using Bet Angel on the Ladbrokes exchange

Using Bet Angel on the Ladbrokes exchange

With the launch of the new Ladbrokes exchange, we’ve had lots of people asking if we are going to produce Bet Angel for Ladbrokes?

But, in fact, we have already and it’s free. Basically BETDAQ Angel is already compatible with Ladbrokes because the Ladbrokes exchange is based on the Betdaq exchange model. All bets on the Ladbrokes exchange feed into Betdaq and vice versa.

So you can see how, we thought we would show you what happens on the Ladbrokes …

10/11/2013 | By | Reply More
Ladbrokes WILL feed bets to Betdaq to boost liquidity

Ladbrokes WILL feed bets to Betdaq to boost liquidity

Discussion on the Ladbrokes exchange is the hot topic at the moment. How will it look, how will it work etc. etc?

Today we received official confirmation that Ladbrokes on-line clients, who are being teased with a ‘coming soon’ tab on their home page, will feed liquidity directly into BETDAQ. Visiting BETDAQ’s home page today saw them send a clear message on the benefits of the Ladbrokes integration to all users. I’ve reproduced the graphic for you on the blog.…

23/10/2013 | By | Reply More
Ladbrokes ready exchange for launch

Ladbrokes ready exchange for launch

Activity picking up on Ladbrokes on what appears to be a launch, ahead of schedule, of the exchange that was touted at their results as I documented a little while ago.

A quick browse of the Ladbrokes website shows that the tab has already been added to the site ahead of the launch. So what do we expect to see?

Well, you may or not know, that Betdaq is actually intertwined with the ‘Global betting exchange’. The concept being …

17/10/2013 | By | Reply More
Betdaq go commission free on football

Betdaq go commission free on football

Casually glancing through my Facebook page and up pops a post by Betdaq. Looks like their push to attract customers has extended itself from Racing into Football.

For some time now the first race of the day has been commission free and that has encouraged an increase in activity on the racing markets. Now football traders will get the chance to earn money without paying any commission.

Basically Betdaq will let you trade the the early kick off in the …

13/08/2013 | By | Reply More
Ladbrokes exchange to launch early 2014

Ladbrokes exchange to launch early 2014

Ladbrokes interim results were out early this morning. A little lacklustre TBH after their recent restructuring. But the thing that catches the eye is: –

“In February we completed the acquisition of the Betdaq betting exchange and are making good progress in developing it as a standalone business. We are on track to introduce a Ladbrokes exchange product to run alongside our existing fixed odds sportsbook early in 2014, creating a more comprehensive and strategically differentiated sports betting offer for …

08/08/2013 | By | Reply More
Betdaq go commission free on the Grand National

Betdaq go commission free on the Grand National

Betdaq continued their act of throwing down the Gauntlet today, by making the bold move of offering the highest profile betting race of the year completely free of commission. That’s right you heard it here first, the Grand National will be offered at 0%!

I’ve always been an advocate for a competitive market and this sort of thing is a direct result of a more competitive market. This can only be benefical for exchange end users. Whatever your objection for …

04/04/2013 | By | Reply More
The Betdaq Manifesto!

The Betdaq Manifesto!

You heard it here first! Appearing in the Racing Post this morning is the following, view it in it’s full glory by clicking on this link.

Basically, Betdaq have come out and publicly made some pledges, the first since their acquisition by Ladbrokes. Some of the pledges are:-

  • Commission will stay low
  • NO premium charge
  • More liquidity, events and markets
  • Winners are welcome
  • Incentives for new joiners
  • First race of EVERY day free of charge

A really interesting pledge …

09/03/2013 | By | Reply More
Ladbrokes Betdaq play becomes clearer

Ladbrokes Betdaq play becomes clearer

I know it wouldn’t have been on many of your calendars, but when my iPhone made an annoying noise this morning it was to remind me that Ladbrokes results were out this morning.

I listen to, attend and read a lot of results. It’s a hobby of mine that pays well. But on this occasion I was more interested in what Ladbrokes would say about their acquisition of Betdaq. Not a great deal was the completely honest answer, but Ladbrokes …

21/02/2013 | By | 2 Replies More
Have your say on the future of BETDAQ

Have your say on the future of BETDAQ

With all the fuss and conjecture about the Ladrokes takeover of Betdaq we are all eagerly awaiting a clear view on what path both will take in the future.

Yesterday Betdaq popped into our forum to solicit views from Bet Angel users.

To quote – “We are writing to you to invite you to engage with us as we begin to plan the transformation of the BETDAQ exchange after the completion of our acquisition by Ladbrokes.”

I’d encourage you to …

02/02/2013 | By | 2 Replies More
Ladbrokes buys Betdaq

Ladbrokes buys Betdaq

Major, but not totally unexpected, news in the betting exchange world this morning.

I really felt that exchanges could change everything when I first started using them, but lately it almost felt like they were regressing to a standard betting model! I am hopeful that this news will breath new life into the betting exchange concept and allow things to start moving forward again in a more positive manner than we have been used to in recent years. While we …

24/01/2013 | By | Reply More
Ladbrokes confirm talks with Betdaq

Ladbrokes confirm talks with Betdaq

In a brief statement issued today Ladbrokes confirmed the long runner rumours that have been around for some time, that they ARE in talks to acquire Betdaq.

The short statement said: –

“The Board notes repeated press speculation regarding Betdaq. Ladbrokes enjoys a close commercial cooperation with Betdaq and can confirm discussions regarding a potential future acquisition.
Negotiations are ongoing though at this stage there is no certainty that an agreement will be reached.

Any further announcement will be made …

07/01/2013 | By | Reply More
Royal Ascot trading review

Royal Ascot trading review

This was an interesting year at Royal Ascot. The obvious highlights were Frankel’s win and Black Caviar’s close call. I thought the Duke of Edinburgh presenting his wife with a trophy was also a moment to remember, surprised to see no caption competitions on that!

Overall, according to Betfair’s statistics, £92.6m was traded before the off, up from £73m the year before. However, that included to races at incredibly short prices. If you strip those out and add back average …

27/06/2012 | By More
The Derby on BETDAQ

The Derby on BETDAQ

Last year I consciously decided to allocate a lot more of my time to learning and understanding how the markets on Betdaq work in great depth. No guess for what prompted this! In the past I’d tended to cherry pick markets as it was easy to find markets that were more suitable for my style, but I felt I really should make the effort to work harder on ALL markets.

A year on and I’m active on pretty much all …

07/06/2012 | By More
Great start at Aintree meeting

Great start at Aintree meeting

Well that went well.

No matter how experienced you are you can never be sure exactly sure what lies ahead each day. You will always be at the mercy of the market. So it’s nice when you find yourself on the right side of that. It’s a bit of a confidence boost for the weekend. The best result of the day we saw on Betfair, came on the first. The best on Betdaq on the last. But both were useful …

13/04/2012 | By More
Cheltenham day two

Cheltenham day two

That was an OK start to Cheltenham. I’d rank it on the better side of the line. OK because I didn’t break any upside records, but OK because I didn’t do so on the downside either!

Volumes waiting to be matched are higher than last year, they are running at around ten times normal week day levels. The rate at which those orders are filling are only six times normal level so there is quite a big gap in the …

14/03/2012 | By More
Betdaq API problems

Betdaq API problems

Just sending this out in case anybody has any automated spreadsheets running on Betdaq Angel today.

The Beqdaq API has a problem this afternoon and things are not working as they should be. Please double check any thing you have running.

We altered Betdaq to the issue quickly and they are onto it.

[EDIT : Betdaq now have a fix for the issue and will be deploying it after today’s racing]

If you want to become aware of these sorts …

02/02/2012 | By More
Friday 13th unlucky for Betfair

Friday 13th unlucky for Betfair

Just days after their latest ‘upgrade’, the Betfair site crashed again. How incredibly frustrating! I’ve lost count of how many times the site has been down over the last year and each time the site is upgraded it seem almost certain now that a major crash follows.

If you want to trade today, why not give Betdaq at go. BetDaqAngel is the same Bet Angel platform you are familiar with but it’s compatible with Betdaq. Best of all its 100% …

13/01/2012 | By More
Ladbrokes in talks with Betdaq

Ladbrokes in talks with Betdaq

Not as dramatic as it first seems when you read the headline, but interesting nonetheless: –

For the full story click on the following URL: –

If you fancy giving Betdaq a try download BetDaqAngel. It’s top notch trading software for Betdaq and it’s free. It received a major upgrade last year. Lots of clever features including an Excel link that allows you to trade multiple markets simultaneously from a spreadsheet.


09/01/2012 | By More
Will Betdaq take off this year?

Will Betdaq take off this year?

What an open question that is! I’ve stuck up a poll on the right that you can give me your answer on.

For years Betdaq has been a much weaker market than Betfair. In 2008 it got a boost when Betfair increased charges. A few vendors, including Bet Angel, rushed to make their applications Betdaq compatible. But the majority didn’t however. This rush to Betdaq was short lived and things very soon, sort of, carried on as normal. I say …

07/01/2012 | By More
Satisfying chaos

Satisfying chaos

OK, yesterday didn’t seem that chaotic in the end, just a bit frustrating. I had to wait ages to find races that really set themselves up nicely, but eventually I did and they were OK. But it was a little dull overall.

Kauto Star lit up the day when I took a few races off to watch the King George VI produce a bit of history. What a great horse we have been treated to and it looks like we …

27/12/2011 | By More
An ‘interesting’ Saturday

An ‘interesting’ Saturday

Well that was an interesting Saturday. I sort of got the feeling that the day may not go as planned right from the off.

Went shopping with the kids to stock up the office and got back a little late which left me no time to put the stuff away. I just had to dump it on the stairs. Sat down to the early start and immediately realised there was a problem… The Internet was at a virtual standstill. I …

28/11/2011 | By More
Quietly moving ahead..

Quietly moving ahead..

It’s interesting to see that liquidity and market conditions continue to improve on Betdaq. It’s quite possible to sqeeze someting out of most races now and thanks to the favourable commission rate it’s proving a good use of my time. We appear to have gone from waiting for perfect market conditions to a wider range of acceptable reasons to participate, which is encouraging.

I’d honestly recommend using both major exchanges as competition is good in all markets, but some of …

11/11/2011 | By More
That’ll do nicely

That’ll do nicely

I had a feeling Saturday would turn out to be an interesting day, so I pulled out all stops to take advantage. I did well and it was a real pleasure to net my best day ever (At least before commission).

I managed to pick up a lot of decent results from a wide spectrum of events on both exchanges. Thanks to favourable commission rates and favourable liquidity conditions on Betdaq, it meant I found it pretty easy to beat …

17/10/2011 | By More