A strange sort of day…

08/01/2013 | By | Reply More

Markets in the winter months are not known for their fluid liquidity, or solid nature. But yesterday was an odd day in the racing markets by any standard.

Probably the stand out moment was a massive divergence in price on the 16:30 race at Kempton, a very rare occurrence. While the on course market was pricing the favourite at odds on, Betfair’s market was showing it as a persistent drifter. It just shows you how incredibly thin the underlying market was.

Elsewhere we were treated to some very odd price activity, it seems the market was on steroids! Quite often prices where either smashed in or out in quick succession and without any sort of a precursor. Mondays in the winter can be a bit challenging, but this was a challenging day right out there on the far right of the bell curve for people actively trading.

If you haven’t been in the market for very long these days can be very testing. But if you have been in the market for long enough then you can often, but not always, pick up a big winner on very volatile days. Yesterday I picked up a massive winner, it’s that old adage that you have to be looking for it to get it. I’m pretty much sorted for the week now. But that, unfortunately, was about that. Other than that I was generally playing it safe and looking clear cut opportunities.

Today’s card looks potentially volatile to start, but it would have to go it some to match yesterday!

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Category: Horse Racing

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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