Tag: cheltenham

Trading Cheltenham

Trading Cheltenham

It’s Cheltenham and that means that next week we will be treated to some quality racing and expected market turnover of £120m. I can’t wait.

In this post, I have put up plenty of statistics about what will and won’t work at Cheltenham and some comparisons to previous years. Hopefully, this will give you a few points. There is also plenty to help you get stuck into this Cheltenham if you are a Bet Angel user.

Cheltenham trading videos 


11/03/2018 | By | Reply More
Preparing for a major race meeting – Cheltenham

Preparing for a major race meeting – Cheltenham

Big meetings are generally mean big opportunities for me, so I take a lot of care to carefully prepare for each one. Cheltenham is one of the biggest.

Last year, the big meetings accounted for just short of 20% of my entire year. That’s why I put so much effort into each one. Not only that, while invites are always gratefully accepted, I’m still politely declining them. I intend to do so for as long as is practicable.

Collecting and

02/03/2018 | By | Reply More
A day at the races

A day at the races

After many years sat behind the screen. I’ve been making a conscious effort recently, to actually get out and enjoy some of the hard earned. But also I’ve been keen to experience first hand some of the sporting venues I’ve traded.

This was another year when I declined an invite to the Cheltenham Festival, but I made up for it yesterday by attending the racing there. Judging by the weather I picked the right day! I was quite keen to

14/04/2016 | By | 1 Reply More
Cheltenham Preview Day 4

Cheltenham Preview Day 4

Triumph Hurdle

I am not alone when I echo some of the quotations I have seen suggesting this is the probably the most competitive race of the week. I was sitting with a friend who compiles his own ratings and he had 12 of the horses within 4lbs of each other. Some will improve and others will regress but either way you will need some luck to find the winner. Ivanovich Gorbatov is trained by Aidan O’Brien who trained the …

18/03/2016 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham Preview Day 3

Cheltenham Preview Day 3

Let me start by saying this is my opinion on the forthcoming racing. I am not saying this is the oracle, it is only my view and is written to help the non-racing people get a feeling for the day’s racing. If somehow you can profit from it, then it is a bonus

JLT Novices Chase

I am not sure you will find a more competitive race this week and to my eye the betting is slightly wrong. I am

17/03/2016 | By | 2 Replies More
Cheltenham preview – Day two

Cheltenham preview – Day two

This looks a tricky day to find horses capable of springing a surprise or horses you know will run well at a big price and offer a decent back to lay opportunity.

Neptune Hurdle

Well I guess this will fall under the headline “stating the bleedin’ obvious” but I am not sure what else you can say here. It’s all very well talking about potential and improvement because these horses are novices but we must bear in mind this is

16/03/2016 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham festival – On the other side of the fence

Cheltenham festival – On the other side of the fence

Sometimes, enjoying the sport you normally trade can be just as must fun! Dave gives us an insight to his experience of a day at Cheltenham…..

As many of you know, my health has been an issue for many years now. I wake up every morning and within 30 seconds I know if it is going to be a struggle or if I can be okay. I rarely get a good, or what many call a normal day, so I

17/03/2015 | By | Reply More
A quick summary of Cheltenham

A quick summary of Cheltenham

Well it’s a relief that the first big week of the year is over, but also a bit of disappointment. Today was the misery I expected and the adjustment back to run of the mill action is underway. But big meetings don’t come around that often, so love them or hate them there are not that many. 

The meeting had a lot of volume, but don’t confuse volume with liquidity they are two different things. I need to do a

14/03/2015 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham update

Cheltenham update

A quick update on how the week is going so far. Today, Thursday, is trading well so far.



12/03/2015 | By | Reply More
Willie floor the bookies?

Willie floor the bookies?

Oh, Cheltenham is here, The weather is great it’s all looking good for a great week.

The first day of the Cheltenham Festival is upon us and the excitement is building to bursting point; well it is for me!

Tuesday has become something of a bookie bashing mission for a certain Willie Mullins, the extremely shrewd and talented trainer from Ireland. The old adage “if the favourite wins the bookmaker loses” has never been more appropriate than on the opening

10/03/2015 | By | Reply More
Trading Cheltenham

Trading Cheltenham

This year I’ve decided to upload a video to narrate some of the stats and detail behind how Cheltenham trades. It seems much easier to express and emphasise points and show a number of things on a video that you can’t do in text. So I’ve created the longest video yet and uploaded it for you!

For those of you that want the text I’ve prepared a long document for you here. It should be of interest one way or

07/03/2015 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham Beckons….

Cheltenham Beckons….

OK, we are almost there now. We are just a stones throw from Cheltenham and I’m deep into research how previous years traded, all the stats, videos, charts and anything that can refresh my mind on previous years.

I’ve produced this video for you to give you my initial thoughts ahead of the Festival. Another video will follow with more detailed analysis.



04/03/2015 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham Open meeting

Cheltenham Open meeting

At last, some quality comes back into the jumps season!

With the Cheltenham open this weekend we can look forward to the fact that the festival is only four months away! Hey, you need something to look forward to during the, often bleak, winter season.

The Open is a useful meeting and volumes will be higher than normal so it’s an opportunity to get tucked into some decent markets. This isn’t like the Festival though so you shouldn’t get wildly …

14/11/2014 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham Day 3 & 4

Cheltenham Day 3 & 4

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Proform to bring you one of their race cards at Cheltenham, for FREE! Download today’s racecard by clicking on this text.

Cheltenham day three

A decent day where I managed to pull out a number of good results across both exchanges. It was much more like Tuesday and completely different to Wednesday that threw a few curve balls! So looking forward to tomorrow and the Gold Cup!

13-03-2014 - 1520 - Betfair - Copy


13/03/2014 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham day two

Cheltenham day two

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Proform to bring you one of their race cards at Cheltenham, for FREE! Download today’s racecard by clicking on this text.

Cheltenham day two summary

A really interesting day and one that produced many surprises in complete contrast to day one.  It would have been nice to have two similar days so that we can take some of that forward to day three. As it is we have it all to look …

13/03/2014 | By | Reply More
Excellent start to Cheltenham

Excellent start to Cheltenham

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Proform to bring you one of their race cards at Cheltenham, for FREE! Download today’s racecard by clicking on this text.

Cheltenham day one summary

Well that went well.

Tuesday’s are always a day for experimenting and testing the market so I don’t usually get really stuck in, but I realised quickly today that the markets were behaving themselves so I got stuck in. I tried a number of strategies and they …

12/03/2014 | By | Reply More
Free Proform Cheltenham racecard

Free Proform Cheltenham racecard

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Proform to bring you one of their race cards at Cheltenham, for FREE!

If you haven’t checked out Proform yet, it’s one of the most capable pieces of software for looking at racing form. It’s contains a number of interesting features which you can check out by visiting their site. I first came across it when trying to find the reason for anomalies I saw in certain race types I was trading. …

11/03/2014 | By | Reply More
Bank Building

Bank Building

So, not long till Cheltenham.

I don’t have a specific target for Cheltenham, I just want to line up everything as best as possible. I’ll review previous years data, check my understanding of the markets and make sure I am as ready as I can be.

One of those aspects is building up a bank big enough to use at Cheltenham. If the markets are suitable I’ll really go for it and you need a stack of cash to do …

05/03/2014 | By | Reply More
Sprinter Sacre misses Cheltenham

Sprinter Sacre misses Cheltenham

Cheltenham not far away and the big news is that Sprinter Sacre will not be there.

Nightmare for Antepost backers but a dream for layers as it traded as low as 1.37 on Betfair.

I note that Henderson is just saying that Sprinter Sacre is ‘missing 10%’ so not injured, just feeling the timing isn’t right for the horse. This brings back memories of Kicking King which traded at 1000 on Betfair before going on to win the Gold Cup …

24/02/2014 | By | Reply More
From feast to famine

From feast to famine

That was a really nice finish to the Festival, I can therefore declare Cheltenham 2013 as a success. Now its back to the grindstone trying to sort the wheat from the chaff; I am findingb lost of chaff.

Cheltenham went well and it was really nice to do that because you tend to measure yourself on prior years and hope you are still moving in the right direction. So it’s reassuring to know you can still do it and in …

18/03/2013 | By | Reply More
Improving conditions at Cheltenham

Improving conditions at Cheltenham

After a bumpy start on the first day at Cheltenham, day two proved more predictable and productive.

Overall turnover on Betfair was down 10% year on year, which was a surprise. Especially given the incredibly, and completely justified, short price on Sprinter Sacre. It was one hell of a performance and fully justified the price. I wasn’t sure what to the make of the market at first other than it would be almost impossible to trade. But I went for …

14/03/2013 | By | Reply More
Conclusions from Cheltenham day one

Conclusions from Cheltenham day one

And they are off. Sort off, after a delay then a cancelled race.

Hmm, that was a bit of a messy start to Cheltenham but that’s never stopped me in the past and it didn’t yesterday. When I heard that race times were to be put back I wasn’t sure what I would see. Would we get a double surge in volume? No was the in-direct answer to that question, but it obviously did lead to an increase but also …

13/03/2013 | By | Reply More
Ready for the roar?

Ready for the roar?

So here we are, after deleting countless emails in your inbox about the bloody thing, the Cheltenahm festival is right on our doorstep.

The first day looks like it could be a little tricky. Only two cards on today and Cheltenham is being put back one race after a very cold spell overnight. Sometimes this can work quite well as the volumes will be higher come the actual start of the race. But each year has always been slightly different …

12/03/2013 | By | Reply More
Calm before the storm

Calm before the storm

Just had a glance at the racing card today and it’s a predictably poor one for Cheltenham week. On this day for my entire exchange career I’ve only had one really good result, back in 2009. All the rest have been very ‘missable’.

So today I am tidying up loose ends and checking everything is in order before the ‘Roar’ meets us tomorrow. Again this year I have been offered hospitality, but I’ve had to decline as the opportunity to …

11/03/2013 | By | Reply More
What a joy!

What a joy!

How wonderful to actually get some decent racing on Saturday, even it we didn’t have a full card. The Cheltenham trials is always a good practice ground for the festival in March and I was desperate for the meeting to go ahead, so was delighted to hear the optimism of the clerk of the course on Friday which proved correct come Saturday morning. Leopardstown was quite fun to trade as well.

 Now we dodged that hurdle, the rain has arrived …

29/01/2013 | By | Reply More
Cheltenham Open

Cheltenham Open

At last, some quality comes back into the jumps season!

With the Cheltenham open this weekend we can look forward to the fact that the festival is only four months away! Hey, you need something to look forward to during the, often bleak, winter season.

The Open is a useful meeting and volumes will be higher than normal so it’s an opportunity to get tucked into some decent markets. This isn’t like the Festival though so you shouldn’t get wildly …

17/11/2012 | By | Reply More
Don’t Panic!

Don’t Panic!

This afternoon, for an experiment, I was wired up to a heart rate monitor. It was a test to see how I reacted throughout a busy day and to see what sort of stress I went through. As it turned out it measured a different sort of stress from normal!

The day started as normal and pulled in a couple of OK results. On the approached to race three though something seemed to be going wrong and the response I

16/03/2012 | By More
Cheltenham – So nearly a record

Cheltenham – So nearly a record

Big day today, the iPad three is launched! – LOL – You also have the Cheltenham Gold Cup.

Yesterday went much better than I thought. I scoured my notebook from days one and two to give myself the best chance of pulling something out of the hat and did. The markets are very similar to last year in that respect.

I was a bit more aggressive and confident yesterday and that helped a lot. I was also able to read …

16/03/2012 | By More
Cheltenham day three

Cheltenham day three

Day two of Cheltenham went pretty much to plan.

I did get off to a bad start though, a small profit then a loss of £120 in the second race didn’t put me in the best of moods, but I pulled things around nicely and patched together a string of decent results to end up ahead of last year again. Still short of my best ever, but as I mentioned before, not a surprise.

I am trading both exchanges together …

15/03/2012 | By More
Cheltenham day two

Cheltenham day two

That was an OK start to Cheltenham. I’d rank it on the better side of the line. OK because I didn’t break any upside records, but OK because I didn’t do so on the downside either!

Volumes waiting to be matched are higher than last year, they are running at around ten times normal week day levels. The rate at which those orders are filling are only six times normal level so there is quite a big gap in the …

14/03/2012 | By More