Christmas racing markets

22/12/2017 | By | Reply More

It’s almost time to relax, but typically this can start and end sooner than you expect on racing markets.

Pre-Christmas period

The markets in the run up to Christmas day can be a bit barren. It actually works well , as it means you can most likely take the entire week off and not really miss anything. This year you missed a crash on Betfair! But that itself produce some awesome Betdaq markets. I didn’t have too many commitments this year and traded it.

Post Christmas period

The period after Christmas day this year is interesting if a bit chaotic. The King George meeting at Kempton is obviously a feature and I’ve often pulled a good result out of this. The issue you will have, is finding anything outside of this.

There are eleven meetings on boxing day and it will be chaos, clashing races will be the order of the day. I tend to just pick off the races at Kempton and then return to the living room and be sociable. Generally, I wouldn’t recommend trading Boxing day unless you are confident you will get good money from it. Your social commitments will be far more important. The day following Boxing day is quieter but still contains quality and can work quite well.

As the week trundles on, you can pick off some good opportunities elsewhere. The festival at Leopardstown can be great but some of the other stuff can throw up opportunities. If you don’t have commitments, this week can be a useful end to the year.

New years day

If you haven’t overdone the booze then New Years day is a smaller version of boxing day. Cheltenham sticks out as the traditional feature on this day, but you will run into the same problems as on boxing day of races clashing etc.

I tend to do all my socialising and good deeds in the week before Xmas. That leaves the deck clear for family time and picking off a few opportunities between Boxing day and new year.

Whatever you do, don’t forget to enjoy yourself! After all, it is Christmas. Have a Merry Christmas!!



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Category: Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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