Calamity Cambridgeshire

29/09/2017 | By | Reply More

I’ve picked off a few good results from the Cambridgeshire in the past and hope to this weekend.

The race

The Cambridgeshire is a very competitive large field handicap run at Newmarket each year. It’s focal point at this time of year and followed by the Cesarewitch. As with all big, competitive, quality races; fill rate will be at the top of my mind. I’m not expecting a gamble to explode out of nowhere, but you never know nowadays.

The structure of the race should be familiar though and if you have seen these sorts of markets before you should know if you love or hate them and roughly how you would trade it. I tend to enjoy these big races as they give me the chance to really get stuck in with some decent stakes. The problem you face of course is that there can often be large amounts of money in the system and that means you may have to wait ages for your order to fill and that will increase the risk on your trade.

Races like this usually produces decent results, but I will remember this race forever for a disaster I had in 2011.

Outage outrage

Back in 2011 as we approached the key race of the day people started posting in the forum about performance issues with Betfair, we have a specific thread for this.

Having done well on this race in the past, I was keen to press on but should have heeded the warnings as Betfair ground to an almost complete halt during the run-up to the race and stopped completely in-play. I was left hopelessly exposed.  Needless to say, the right horse didn’t win and I took a bit of a thumping.

On reflection, it appeared to be a heavy schedule of football and a big field/betting race that kicked off the crash. So this year I will be well prepared. Hopefully, I can replicate some positive results from years prior, but this is one time I am not hoping for a repeat of a previous year, necessarily what happened in 2011!


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Category: Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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