The losers game in action

11/07/2016 | By | Reply More

We had an interesting mix of sport at the weekend. As I suggested, I had a full blooded session on Saturday, but didn’t little on Sunday and choose to enjoy the sport instead.

In a previous post I talked about the ‘losers game‘, we saw some this weekend.

Win by not losing and win by winning

A triad of interesting sport awaited on Sunday. First up the British Grand Prix, definitely a case of playing the losers game. If you don’t make any mistakes, you win.

Next up Tennis, Murray won the final. Raonic did everything possible to try and win but couldn’t. Milos even threw in the second fastest serve in history and Murray returned it with aplomb and got a winner out of it. Murray definitely wasn’t playing the losers game!

Then we had the Euro 2016 final. I’m not really sure what either side was playing here, but I’ll suggest both strategies relied on not conceding, especially Portugal.

What the losers game looks like

If you look at my results from Saturday you can see how I play the losers game. If I participate in a market and it’s showing nothing I dump it, quickly. Often I don’t do it at all, one entire card is missing entirely from my Saturday trading. What I’m trying to do is deliberately avoid losses. I know profits will come if I wait, I just have to wait for the market to present them to me.

Technically I am playing a losers game. I’m waiting for the market to make a mistake, to misprice, extend a trend too long, correct to a different price. If I make that call and get it wrong I just don’t hang around. I believe the market is better than me and it will show me that on occasion. I accept it and move on. Many people are completely unable to do so and hang on until they realise their position isn’t coming back. I love going contrary because you can sense the panic in the market as it turns. As the saying goes… Never love a position because it will never love you back.

When the big markets came around, I was very confident that I knew what they were going to do so I pushed the boat out on them. I caught a fair wind on them on Saturday. But essentially all I was doing was dumping bad positions quickly and letting the good ones run.

Simple, but not easy….

09-07-2016 - P%26L - Crop


Category: Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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