Craven meeting

13/04/2016 | By | Reply More

We have just started the Craven meeting at Newmarket. With deference to the TV presenter, it’s not named after him but instead an early supporter of Racing at Newmarket. Yesterday we had the Nell Gwyn an interesting character.

How the Craven trades

I prefer to know whether I’m in a good market or a poor one. But the Craven meeting at Newmarket often sits right in-between that. I know there’s quality there, but in terms of liquidity it often hasn’t delivered in the past and as a betting heat it doesn’t have the same importance as other nearby events. But it is better than the dross that’s often between Cheltenham, The Grand National and the Guineas, it has to be said! It’s a welcome highlight, if nothing amazing.

We also have Cheltenham on today and Beverley so a decent card. I should be trading it, but thanks to a chance meeting in Chobham yesterday I’ve been invited to Cheltenham so I’ll be taking the opportunity to mingle today. Will probably mean a lower week for me now, but it’s a chance to engage with the right people so I’m happy to do that on your behalf. I’ll always take the opportunity to represent the betting exchange industry in a positive light, given the chance.

Evening racing

Winter is generally pretty tough and this winter was no exception. So the return of lots of flat turf races is very much welcomed. You also have the evening meetings kicking in soon and that expands the scope and depth of opportunity dramatically. The combination of the two should see you start to pick up some useful result if you have survived the winter. You can also pick of higher quality opportunities.


I’ve put up a video summarising my view on the Craven and also what the evening racing means for your risk reward ratio when trading. It was done a little while ago but still rings true so no need to change or update it. Perhaps apart from the production quality!


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Category: Horse Racing, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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