Christmas week and trading (or lack thereof)

21/12/2015 | By | Reply More

I noticed that Ayr has been abandoned today and that makes a bit of a mess of the card. So I think that’s me done till Boxing day on the racing.

It’s usually pretty quiet in the run up to Christmas day in the UK and this week is no exception. Because the holidays shift from year to year, this year Boxing day has fallen on a Saturday. That should be an interesting day! So I’m saving my gunpowder till Saturday and Sunday.

It may actually be useful if it wasn’t on a Saturday as we would have more ‘tradeable’ days this week, but as it is it presents me with an opportunity to go and visit friends, what relatives I have left and go out and do some general good for the world. Which, after another hectic year, I’m looking forward to. I always head back to where I grew up just before Christmas to visit and help old friends, their parents and people who looked after me when I was growing up and things were not so great. It’s the least I can do and Christmas is a good time to do that.

You really are not going to miss much this week (till Boxing day at least), so I’d advise you to take the opportunity to kick back and enjoy a break or spend some quality time with your family. If you don’t have any immediate family nearby, just go out and have a good time. Plenty to be getting on with in the new year!

If you want to continue trading the PDC darts has been great trading fodder this week and you also have the big bash cricket down under that is appealing, though I admit Cricket isn’t a primary trading sport for me. After-all there are only 24 hours in a day! But both are worth a look if you are interested. So there are opportunities, but I’ll decline them 🙂

I’ll probably get one more blog post in before Christmas day, so I’ll save my Christmas greeting till then 🙂 The weather at the moment is in remarkable contrast to what we often see at this time of year when we have often been fretting about whether the King George meeting will go ahead. No doubt this year!


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Category: General, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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