The camera never lies?

03/07/2012 | By More

I stumbled upon an interesting article about the Euro 2012 championships: –

How TV Lied To You During Euro 2012 –

I’ve always had a healthy mistrust of what you see on TV. It spawned from some very odd results and betting on Reality TV shows many years ago. Careful editing and production can show up a story that isn’t, in reality, being played out. The real scandal followed though when it turned out insiders where betting on the same shows and slowly the truth came out.

In sport it’s harder to manipulate what you see, but don’t over estimate the values of producing something interesting versus reality, whether that is pictures or commentary. I tend to watch racing closely as that can give me clues to a horses temperament. Comments made by informed broadcasters speaking to connection can also influence price. On football however I often watch with the volume turned off, so I can form my own judgements.

Perhaps the most misleading sport to watch is Golf. Just as you see that ball sail towards the hole you may feel you are up with events but Golf is very heavily edited to show ‘dramatic’ moments. So you may actually be watching a shot from a few minutes ago. Rarely is golf played out totally in sequence. Add time delays to pictures and you can see that what you see is often not what you get in some sports. This has now been confused by the evolution of digital TV. This adds a new dimension, and delay into the mix.

So next time you watch something on TV be aware of the above and take it into account.

Pictures can be deceiving

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Category: Football trading strategies, Golf, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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