The 49 bets

07/03/2012 | By More

Here is something interesting. Well I thought it was interesting anyhow, so I thought I would share it.

On Saturday I was working a position into the Liverpool vs Arsenal match. I’ve often maintained there can’t be many big gamblers / traders out there as I rarely see big amounts in the market. OK there are reasons why I may not be able to see them, but even then, I rarely see anything that looks like a bigger player.

In total my bet was taken by 49 different opposing bets. There was an £800 a £280 but those were the largest bets taken. Most of them were pretty small. 95% were below £100 and 90% below £50, 75% below £25. You have to get to below £10 before the balance tips over 50% . Even if people were trading the the price I was at, it wasn’t with much money it would seem.

From a commercial perspective, much fuss it made about how premium charge payers ‘take out’ money from the ‘exchange ecosystem’ but my bet appears to deeply contradict that statement. My bet cost the same, from an infrastructure perspective, on it’s own as any one of those 49 bets. Therefore I conclude that my business was 49 times more efficient as it only took one transaction to place. As I offered money to be taken, I would classify that as providing liquidity as well. I didn’t nick a few quid off somebody else, beat a clock and nobody was under any obligation to take the counter-side of my bet. I fully exposed myself to the market.

So there you have it, I placed more volume, with less overhead to the exchange than all those 49 other people and created liquidity to boot. Not exactly the sort of customer you would encourage to take there business elsewhere?  No, you would think you would want to encourage them into your fold. You get the feeling to put people off doing this would definitely be a strategic error, don’t you?

Anyhow, I hope you understand my point, but also get a deeper understanding of exactly what constitutes the underlying market you are participating in. It’s always interesting when you dig under the top level a bit.

Don’t forget to check out Soccer Mystic and some football trading videos over at Bet

Hey big spender!


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Category: Football trading strategies, General, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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