Sticky wicket

14/05/2010 | By More

Not a reference to the English cricket team, but well done lads on getting to the final. I must admit to not knowing enough about Cricket to trade it effectively, but I may have a look in on the 20/20 final. It has all the characteristics to be a decent trading market, so I may have a stab. Uncertainty is great for trading and the final promises plenty.

Sometimes when I am trading I feel I am batting on a sticky wicket. I can look at a day and identify some key characteristics, I know what do to and when. But sometimes, despite this, I just can’t get things right. I had one of those days this week. My strike rate was miserable and it seemed like I could only win on every other market. When this happens I simply have a good look at the day again and see if I could change something but, more importantly, I move on. Sometimes things just don’t go your way and accepting that is important.

There is often a propensity to give full credit for your success to yourself, but to blame something else for your mis-fortune. Learning to do neither will improve your long term performance. At the end of the day I just didn’t function on my naff day, there may have been external factors that helped cause this, but ultimately it’s down to me whichever way you look at it. Either I got it wrong, or couldn’t spot the shift in the market. With that in mind I can move on, but failing to do that would leave me no wiser the next time something happened and probably less able to make a sensible decision in the future.

Recognising your flaws and errors and attempting to strike them out is a critically important part of trading successfully. Failure to do so will inevitably lead you down a path of frustration and failure and it’s a path that’s followed by a surprising number of people, but it’s completely avoidable.

Category: Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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