Breeders cup

06/11/2009 | By More

There are not many races I tend to do in the US, but the Breeders Cup is one of them. I’ve often looked at key races in the US but there just doesn’t seem to be enough interest in them. Even the Kentucky Derby barely registers on the trading Richter scale from a volume perspective.

However, the Breeders Cup is different and is worth a look. One of the problems you will have is that the key races tend to take place near midnight, so it’s definately one for the night Owls. Fridays have never done much for me on the Breeders Cup and last year neither day produce a decent result, despite doing well in prior years. I think that is the problem with infrequent events, you just never now quite how they will behave until you arrive at them. Based on last years efforts, I don’t have any immediate recommendations for this year.

This year, all I am hoping to do is better than last years effort. The only special thing I remember from last year is that it was snowing in the UK.

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Category: Using Bet Angel

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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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