Tag: exchange

How bookmakers make money

How bookmakers make money

Back when, ‘I was but lad’, I stumbled into the world of bookmakers.

I arrived there via the football pools and thought I’d apply similar techniques at the bookmakers. But I soon realised there were a few problems doing this.


The first problem I had was getting the bet on, I couldn’t really bet in the size I wanted without being limited. Secondly, I could only do plain old vanilla betting. If I tried something more complex I’d often …

08/10/2017 | By | Reply More
Betfair exchange advertising

Betfair exchange advertising

Great news, Betfair are going to start pushing the exchange again. I can’t remember the last time I saw an exchange advert so it was a delight to discover they are going to give it a push this weekend!

Here is one of the adverts posted on their You Tube channel: –


22/04/2016 | By | 1 Reply More
Betfair US – California HQ

Betfair US – California HQ

As you know I’m in la la land at the moment and it’s not the first time I’ve been here. Having worked for a couple of US companies in my time and thanks to my interest in Warren Buffet et al, I’ve often popped over here to do something or another most years since the early 90’s.

When Betfair started taking off in the UK I was quite interested in seeing how legislation would play out over here. To give …

02/11/2014 | By | Reply More
Betfair re-launch in Italy (Sort of)

Betfair re-launch in Italy (Sort of)

Betfair trumpeted the launch of the Italian exchange this morning. But they were the only ones celebrating as the markets in Italy resembled something of a ghost town and liquidity a piece of tumble weed blowing through it. A stark comparison to the betfair.com markets (see below).

Legislation permits that the exchange only be populated with Italian customers. So Betfair have closed all betfair.com accounts and moved them them to the ‘ringfenced’ Italian exchange. But I’d imagine most large …

08/04/2014 | By | 1 Reply More
Betfair link Sportsbook to the exchange

Betfair link Sportsbook to the exchange

In a positive move for exchange liquidity Betfair have finally linked up the Sportsbook front end to the exchange mechanism.

In only appears to be on Football markets at the moment but no doubt more markets will follow. As it now stands anybody placing a bet on the Sportsbook will automatically see their bet ‘referred’ to the exchange. If the exchange price (less 5% commission) is better than the sports book price, then the bet is placed via the exchange …

17/01/2014 | By | Reply More
Using Bet Angel on the Ladbrokes exchange

Using Bet Angel on the Ladbrokes exchange

With the launch of the new Ladbrokes exchange, we’ve had lots of people asking if we are going to produce Bet Angel for Ladbrokes?

But, in fact, we have already and it’s free. Basically BETDAQ Angel is already compatible with Ladbrokes because the Ladbrokes exchange is based on the Betdaq exchange model. All bets on the Ladbrokes exchange feed into Betdaq and vice versa.

So you can see how, we thought we would show you what happens on the Ladbrokes …

10/11/2013 | By | Reply More
Ladbrokes WILL feed bets to Betdaq to boost liquidity

Ladbrokes WILL feed bets to Betdaq to boost liquidity

Discussion on the Ladbrokes exchange is the hot topic at the moment. How will it look, how will it work etc. etc?

Today we received official confirmation that Ladbrokes on-line clients, who are being teased with a ‘coming soon’ tab on their home page, will feed liquidity directly into BETDAQ. Visiting BETDAQ’s home page today saw them send a clear message on the benefits of the Ladbrokes integration to all users. I’ve reproduced the graphic for you on the blog.…

23/10/2013 | By | Reply More
Ladbrokes ready exchange for launch

Ladbrokes ready exchange for launch

Activity picking up on Ladbrokes on what appears to be a launch, ahead of schedule, of the exchange that was touted at their results as I documented a little while ago.

A quick browse of the Ladbrokes website shows that the tab has already been added to the site ahead of the launch. So what do we expect to see?

Well, you may or not know, that Betdaq is actually intertwined with the ‘Global betting exchange’. The concept being …

17/10/2013 | By | Reply More
Betfair reaffirm the importance of their exchange

Betfair reaffirm the importance of their exchange

You may remember our campaign a little while ago where we encouraged everybody to provide some feedback to Betfair, you can read the original post by clicking here.

Well it seems they are listening as they posted a full response this morning and re-opened the thread again. I’ve extracted some of the response here to highlight some key elements in it: –

Thanks to everyone who voted, your opinion counts and we recognise that introduction of the Sportsbook may

19/09/2013 | By | Reply More
Betfair change home page (again)

Betfair change home page (again)

Thanks to a machine I use that doesn’t allow cookies I was able to see that Betfair have changed their home page again.

I don’t know whether this was in response to the campaign I kicked off recently, I doubt that alone was responsible, but at least I was able to make your voices heard.

Anyhow the exchange now sits alongside the sports book. For those that are cookied up you can see the changes on the following link: …

12/09/2013 | By | 2 Replies More
Ladbrokes exchange to launch early 2014

Ladbrokes exchange to launch early 2014

Ladbrokes interim results were out early this morning. A little lacklustre TBH after their recent restructuring. But the thing that catches the eye is: –

“In February we completed the acquisition of the Betdaq betting exchange and are making good progress in developing it as a standalone business. We are on track to introduce a Ladbrokes exchange product to run alongside our existing fixed odds sportsbook early in 2014, creating a more comprehensive and strategically differentiated sports betting offer for …

08/08/2013 | By | Reply More
Strange Betfair error you need to be aware of

Strange Betfair error you need to be aware of

While browsing the Betfair site today I spotted an error that could lead to you placing a bet on the sportsbooks rather than the exchange. Even if you are logged into and using the exchange. Please see the following video: –


06/05/2013 | By | Reply More
Betfair fixed odds sportsbook launched

Betfair fixed odds sportsbook launched

I’ve just seen a promo banner appear on Betfair which gave details on how the sportsbook will look and work. You can find out more details here: –


It looks like we finally have the launch of the sportsbook. Clicking into Euro 2012 football market provides the option to view both fixed odds and exchange odds. Exchanges odds are way better than the fixed odds. I can’t see any value add to a customer on placing a fixed odds …

23/05/2012 | By More
Now Spain says yes and no to Betfair

Now Spain says yes and no to Betfair

Betfair confirmed today that thier exchange will be unavailable in Spain from early June upon receipt of a new gaming license.

It seems Betfair have been granted a licence for a sportsbook and will ‘transfer’ exchange customers to the sportsbook. But the exchange will be shut down while, “Betfair continues its constructive dialogue with the Spanish regulatory authorities and looks forward to working with them in the near future on the licensing of betting exchanges.”

Full details here: –


23/05/2012 | By More
£1k account caused £600m Betfair error

£1k account caused £600m Betfair error

Betfair have issued a statement this afternoon outlining the error that caused the exchange to misfire. The full statement is here: –


But here are some bullet points:-

“This bet was placed by one of our UK customers trading the race via our API or Application Programming Interface (bdp.betfair.com/) using an automated program (a “bot”). Their bot had developed a fault causing it to try and place a very large number of bets on the Exchange. These bets were …

30/12/2011 | By More