New version of Bet Angel released

03/11/2017 | By | Reply More

We are delighted to announce a new version of Bet Angel and it contains a completely new feature you have never seen before.

Free upgrade

The upgrade to the new version, version 1.49, is available for free for existing trialists and existing subscribers. You can download and update it here: –

If you haven’t used Bet Angel for some time, you may still qualify for a free trial. When you register you will be updated on your status. So if you haven’t seen what we have been up to recently, download and take a free trial.

A year ago we introduced streaming. This meant that Bet Angel was ten times faster than before and subsequent updates have added new features to take advantage of that and other new features.  Check out our recent release history here: –

What is a Servant?

Version 1.49 of Bet Angel contains a completely new feature you have never seen before, a Servant™

Bet Angel already contains some amazing sports specific tools and an extensive suite of manual or fully automated trading capabilities. A Servant™ sits on top of all that and gives you the ultimate mix of manual and automated trading.

Most trading involves three processes: –

(1) Trade entry

(2) Trade management

(3) Trade closure

You can usually improve one or more of those functions by automating some element of it. If you trade manually that’s a lot of clicking, looking, monitoring and judgement. Using a servant you can now hand over key tasks which it will execute with the click of a mouse or a touch of a button.

You tell the Servant™ what to do and then focus your energy and effort on getting the market and trade right. The Servant™ will take care of everything else. You can focus your energy on finding an opportunity while the servant executes it with precision and speed giving you best execution by a mile.

Servants work will all existing functions inside Bet Angel. So if you want to use the multi-market features, automation, manual trading or Excel a Servant can work hand in hand with them.

Context sensitive

Of course, Bet Angel can already do a number of complex things automatically, but using a Servant™ you can now nominate what you want to do it on, when and how. It’s context sensitive! This is the key concept behind the servant.

By this, we mean you give the servant generic instructions, “Do this, like this, at this point”. But you control what the servant does it on and when. A servant can permanently arm, wait for a particular moment, only exist for a moment in time or you can switch them on and off at will.

Even better you can trigger a servant with a mouse click or a keyboard stroke. You can set up your servant and with the press of a keyboard button the servant will fly into action at your command.

Calling a servant

You can see that you can already call a servant with a keystroke. Bet Angel already has an extensive keyboard shortcut editor for a vast range of functions. But with the upgrade, we have extended these to servants to allow you to perform pretty much any trade or sequences of trades or position with the touch of a key.

Better than that you can trigger a servant on the ladder or one-click screen. This will allow you to monitor the market as you normally do but just point with your mouse to tell the Servant where you want it to apply.

As if that’s not enough you can also include Servant’s in the custom column editor on the one-click screen. This means you can set up a whole army of them to perform an entire fleet of actions.

Servant’s can even send a sound alert or text box to inform you of something that is happening in the market, meaning you never need to miss another opportunity.


You can see that Servant’s can do a lot and they will significantly improve your ability to spot, act on and execute trades, however you trade.

There is really too much to detail in one blog post or video. So over the coming weeks, we will start showing you all of the ways you can trade using them. There is so much depth and detail to them, your only limit is your imagination.

For starters though, we have created a new section of the forum devoted to them: –

And we also have a playlist for you on YouTube. We look forward to bringing you more information, advice in the near future.



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Category: Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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