Making hay while the sun shines

20/07/2013 | By | Reply More

An old phrase, but one that is equally applicable to trading at this time of year. Not only is the sun shining, but this year its so hot the grass has turned to hay! As we are now in peak trading season, it’s time to harvest.

At this time of year you have many opportunities, so I will stretch every sinew to do as much as I can. Everything else has to take a back seat, I’ll be a little less active on the blogging, fewer education events, less time for chit chat or following through on stuff, it’s all about the execution. My potential to do something interesting is much higher in the summer than the winter, so my mantra is work now and analyse later. You never know when that massive result will arrive, but around now is the most likely period and I really can’t afford to miss that opportunity. If you really are serious and do this properly there is no reason to be doing anything else this weekend. Be wary of ‘experts’ in the same markets that don’t have their nose pressed to the screen at this time of year!

Currently we have some racing, golf and cricket all coming to a head this weekend and soon it will be Glourious Goodwood as well. So you can see that the time for rest in sports market is the winter, when, for me, sports are scarce and often cancelled.  But being active right now means you can become an unsocial beast in the Summer. This is unfortunate, but my attitude is to do what I can, while I can and enjoy the rewards later. Also, I’ve learnt from past mistakes that you take opportunity when it’s presented. Reap the reward while it’s there and at other points in the year or your life and can sit back a little or work on the next big thing knowing you did the best while you could while the opportunity was there.

If you are a newbie it’s a good time to experiment as well. With so many things going on, a bit of focus here and there could spring that Eureka moment you have been waiting for. Another advantage of all these opportunities at the moment, is that you can pick and choose your targets. Today we have 57 races on the card and some look good opportunities while others look pretty poor. I will tend to focus my energy looking for the best opportunities at this time of year. Poor opportunities or markets where I have traditionally struggled can go take a hike! That’s a luxury you don’t get in the winter.

Of course, this post is all about seasonality and the message I am sending you is to put your full effort into the markets during the peak season in the markets you participate in. Plenty of time for R&R in the off season. While it may require some social juggling, it’s worth it!

So I suggest you make hay while the sun shines. That’s what I’m doing and that’s my sole intention for this weekend, the sunburn can wait till Monday or Tuesday!

19-07-2013 - P&L 7 Days - Copy




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Category: Horse Racing, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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