Friendless friendlies

06/02/2013 | By | 6 Replies More

Just scanned through the list of international friendlies today.

As you may know, through the profiling tools available in Bet Angel, I like to roughly model an event before it has started. Ths is so I can work out my rough risk and payoff on an event.

The problem I have with friendlies is that I find it difficult to make broadly correct assumptions, so these are matches I am much less likely to be active on. You can see from the market that seems to be a general trend as well as overall traded volumes are low.

I still give it a go tonight but on much reduce stakes, it’s only by doing that you really learn. I guess these matches do serve some purpose. It gives the England manager something to do, lets players try and make an impression and a few caps can be handed out.


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Category: Football trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

Comments (6)

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  1. Tytteboevs says:


    Best regards

  2. Peter Webb says:

    Success with what?

  3. Tytteboevs says:

    Hi, with posting a comment, Took a few tries and a few sent emails.

    Best regards

  4. Peter Webb says:

    OK, We are not aware of any problems with the commenting process at the moment. I know a few people have tried to imply there are issues, but we can’t see anything wrong TBH and nobody has contacted us to indicate otherwise. If you have experianced a problem please let us know.

    You may want to visit the forum as that is where most people chat here, best part of 60,000 posts there on a wide number of topics.

  5. gambel says:

    I think the worst part of the registration process is that you get a long password and it’s not straight forward to change it.

    It would be much easier to have just an activation link in your e-mail and a password that you enter in the registration process.

    Additionally it would be very sexy if you can integrate Blog and Forum (less password management) or to be able to comment using Facebook, Google+, Twitter or any of these other accounts.

    Best Regards,


  6. Peter Webb says:

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I realise we are not joined up to the forum, which is a pain. We did use blogger to start with but had problems and it wasn’t very flexible, so we moved to host the blog directly on the site. The forum has been the busier of the two so we never really developed the commenting beyond that. It was (the blog) registration free, but spam outnumbered comments by about 90-1, so we had to implement registration. We have always had a feed from the blog going to twitter and Facebook etc. So that has always be possible for people to comment without registration.

    At the end of the day it’s a balancing act really. Because I’m so active on the markets I do struggle to keep on top of correspondence, so that will always be an issue as well; but we try our best!

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