Are people in the UK less enterprising?

22/02/2012 | By More

I did a course at our offices yesterday where I talked all day about how the markets work and why. I followed this up with showing that in action.

That’s fairly normal, but the unusual thing about yesterday is that only a couple of people in the room were from the UK. This seems to be a trend that is constantly developing in everything I do. On Friday I am meeting somebody at Heathrow whom I am going to work with on some key new areas. I couldn’t find anybody in the UK that was open to the idea.

I do wonder if the UK creates an outlook that prohibits forward thinking and / or risk taking? Or it could be that I am just a bit different? As a case in point, 20 years ago I read a autobiographical book about somebody and I was completely inspired by it. I talked enthusiastically about what I had read and told everybody how I would love to meet this person. Everybody scoffed at what a ridiculous idea that was. But when circumstances where right, ten years later, I flew half the way around the world to it, to everybody’s astonishment. That one meeting led me down several new paths that were just inconceivable a few years before.

So one thing I have learnt over time is to seize and opportunity when it presents itself, but also to realise that nothing is impossible, especially if you are in the right company. Carpe diem!


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About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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