Have a break

26/10/2011 | By More

With a busy week planned for next week I am having a continuing a bit my break this week from all things betting exchange related. I am dipping in and out of the markets but not with any gusto. I am busy on some non betting exchange stuff at the moment, so rather than a half hearted attempt, I felt it better if I tested a few things rather than put in half a full effort. Now we are heading into the winter season it’s possible to do that, but during peak season it would be a definite no.

Their are many benefits of having a break. First you don’t burn out, second you relax a bit and that brings come clarity of thought which and gives you a base on which to ‘think forward’. When having a break, I tend to put myself in situations where it’s not possible to keep up with day to day stuff. That’s the only way to have a true break. So apologies if you sent me an email recently, you are unlikely to get an immediate response, but you will get one, once I am back into routine.

If you never take a break, do it. You will return fresh and full of new ideas. It’s a healthy thing to do.


Category: General

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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