What to do when Betfair API is down

24/09/2011 | By More

Unfortunately Betfair suffered another outage this afternoon. Here is how I am set up to deal with such issues: –

I always have two version of Bet Angel running. One in API mode and one, with the refresh off, in non API mode (Log in via connection mode 1).

This means I can switch quickly between applications and if I am caught on one I can exit on another. We note that a site crash seems to happen in stages and having two bites of the cherry to exit works well. The site often comes back up in stages also, so it works well in either direction. This feature is worth the subscription to Bet Angel on it’s own!

In case the crash is at my end I have a back system, an iPad linked to Bet Angel via a VPS. This covers all bases in case of a catastrophic power or connection failure.

Of course you also have Betdaq that you can trade on. The liquidity on Betdaq is higher than ever at the moment and strategies that I use on one exchange tend to transplant well to the other. So whether you use Betdaq to hedge or trade outright its more viable than ever nowadays.

The connection mode feature on Bet Angel is a really useful feature in moments like today. So make sure you are familiar with it.



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Category: Betfair, Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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