Lack of liquidity

06/07/2011 | By More

Low matched bet turnover, gappy prices, lack of depth in the market. Yes, I am sure you are familiar with these problems. But I’m not talking about Betdaq, I am talking about Betfair.

Back when Betfair started the markets were pretty thin, but I still saw opportunity in them. As people began to develop techniques to squeak a few quid out of these markets things improved. As traders joined the market and improved liquidity, bigger backers and layers started to exploit the larger amounts of money available, and so a virtuous cycle started.

It’s another half full / half empty moment. Some people see only opportunity and some people see only problems. The early Betfair markets were different from now and when I saw then I knew no different, so just did what was necessary with what was in front of me. As time moved on and the markets changed and so did I, leaving behind those that were unwilling to change.

So when you look at a any market, look for the opportunity, not the problem. That’s how I started over 11 years ago. Liquidity on Betdaq is bound to rise in the near future, so for me that’s an opportunity. Even if you are not a premium charge payer over on Betfair I suggest that a new opportunity has been created on Betdaq with its introduction. I suggest you gear up to take advantage of that.


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Category: Betfair

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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