Jinx buried?

13/05/2011 | By More

Day 4/6 and the seas are still calm. Well I say calm they are a little becalmed to be honest, but that’s sort of ok even if it is making for a tough week. I managed a decent day yesterday though, no thanks to York.

York has been quite tough this week and I haven’t enjoyed it, but other traders have done OK. So today I will dump all other activity and just try to be really focused today. I’ll give myself a 2/10 on my York performance this week. Could be worse, but could be a whole lot better. I note others have struggled as well, so it does seems like its generally tough.

In terms of my jinx, I finally cottoned onto why it is likely to occur this week. That’s useful as it helps me come to terms with why. It was a throw away comment last night that suddenly resonated with me and lead me to the answer. Unfortunately there isn’t a great deal I can do about avoiding it, so I’ll just have to ride it out each year around this time. This year the luck is with me, not against, at the moment. A better day yesterday and this along with my epiphany has answered my calling to the jinx this week. Long live the jinx!


Category: Horse Racing

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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