
30/12/2009 | By More

Just sat here this evening watching “Tsunami : Caught on camera” on Channel 4. I remember very well the shock of the pictures I saw when the boxing day Tsnnami hit but it’s nothing compared to the footage and commentary from the documentary this evening.

A timely reminder as I look toward next year, that pursuit of happiness and self fulfillment is a key value that you shouldn’t forget. Wealth is not measured by monetary values alone and doing things because you enjoy them is just as important as anything else.

I think there have been a couple of really key moments in my life that have shaped the way I think and my outlook. Having to cope with losing my mother at a very young age was key. That gave me the motivation to make the most of everyday. I owe it to my Mum who I outlived. The lesson, life is short, it’s natures way of encouraging a bit of focus. It also taught me to be kind to others, there really is no point in making others lives a misery. It’s not very fulfilling for the soul either!

The other moment was when I left my ‘normal’ career. Having suffered at the hands of the corporate world I knew that it was inevitable that I would leave, but I didn’t know how or when. I’d warned my wife it would come, but it was still a surprise when I did it. It turned out to be one of the biggest moments in my life. Going out and doing things because I thought they were right and I wanted to do them was such an enlightening experience. You often get these great big “I was right!” moments. The big lesson I learnt here was not to do things because you were concerned about what could go wrong. In reality things go unexpectedly right as well. No point in focusing on the negatives, it’s a waste of time.

So I am now casting my eye over 2010 and pondering what I want to achieve next year. Tonight’s documentary threw some reminders into the mix and it put day to day issues into sharp relief!

Carpe diem!

Category: Using Bet Angel

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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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