
17/08/2009 | By More

When you are busy on a market, especially scalping, your eyes should be intently watching the screen. Your brain should be carefully analysing everything in front of you. But it’s your reactions that will gently click that mouse to swing a trade into action. Well that’s the idea anyhow.

I had an interesting test of my reactions this weekend when I nearly had a car crash. It’s amazing how quickly your brain and body can react when required! Food for thought for traders.

I was accelarating away from some traffic lights on a narrow ‘A’ road when a car four in front of me decided that a narrow A road was a good place to attempt a U turn, not only that but suddenly and without warning. No need to guess what happened, the car behind that one swiped the rear of the ‘U turn’ car, the car following back ended that one and there was me, unaware at the back of all of them. Seeing the traffic stop so suddenly I didn’t really have time to think but instinctively swung the car away from the third car and into the other side of the road, within a split second I done the opposite and steered the into the gap between the 1st and 2nd car. Before I knew what had happened I had weaved my way around the entire accident.

My fear of hitting that car had passed and I was suddenly euphoric at somehow managing to successfully avoid the entire mess. The kids were less pleased as they had been flung around the car unexpectedly, but at least they were safe!

It reminded me just how important quick thinking and reactions can be. You’ll be interested to know that we have thought about this and implemented some interesting new concepts in a new version of Bet Angel, at the end of the day you need every edge you can get, even if it’s only a fraction of a second, as my near accident demonstrated!

Category: Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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