My quest

07/08/2009 | By More

I was sat here this evening trading on auto pilot. Some times the markets are like that, yesterday wasn’t but this evening was. I decided to fire up YouTube and watched, not some related content, but some videos on sub atomic particles, very deep. It reminded me of what drives me in everything I do. A thirst for knowledge and understanding.

I seriously doubt that CERN will call me up to help search for the higgs boson any time soon, but back when my father handed me a football pools coupon I never guessed where that would lead. It lead me on many paths and one of them ended up with the result that I can now predict the price of a draw in a football match to a 99.9% accuracy, somewhat removed from my fumbling first guess all those years ago. One of those paths also lead into betting exchanges which spawned Bet Angel.

The reason I can do things like the draw prediction, is because I spend a lot of time researching why things happen in the market and what influences that. I recently spent a couple of months looking at what shapes prices long term and the very very short term. The goal, to create a theory that can encompass the two across a number of areas. Of course, all processes display some element of entropy so I can often only say ‘On average’, but it’s those sorts of quests that drive me forward each day.

Whether I make money or not from what I do isn’t important, though it undoubtedly helps, and it’s great if it becomes a subset of that broader journey. But ultimately, my quest appears unchanged from those early moments. It’s all about understanding, a thirst for knowledge and trying to get things to the next level. That’s what really excites me.

I think its a decent philosophy whatever you do. Reaching out for the next level will always be more preferable, fulfilling and exciting than existing within the status quo.

Category: Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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