
06/07/2009 | By More

Thank you for reading this blog. I trust you get something out of reading it and based on the tons of emails I receive, a lot of you do. That’s pleasing to know.

You should always welcome opinion and whether you agree with it or not, its important if it provokes thought or debate. Asking “why?” is a great human gift. However, if opinion isn’t voiced for constructive debate, it serves nobody. Let me tell you where my opinions are sourced.

I draw next to nothing from the commercial side of my activity in the market. I prefer to re-invest that money into future projects. For me, actually using exchanges has always been central to everything I do, in fact, its a passion. If it wasn’t a passion I wouldn’t sit here playing with odds models shoveling millions a week through the markets. In fact, if I had no other interests and didn’t earn a penny from it, or anything else, I would probably still be sat here probing the market. That’s how Bet Angel came to life. Back when it was created there was nothing with the features I needed, nobody was convinced they were needed, so I had to design  the concepts myself. A lot of features you see in the market, even some of those introduced by Betfair first appeared on Bet Angel.

Having successfully navigated the markets since they were formed nearly ten years ago, I’m bound to voice what I think. My opinion comes from actually being here and doing it, and that is what drives my thought processes and comments, nothing else.

Category: Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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