Cheltenham tips

09/03/2009 | By More

After a couple of weeks behind the desk in full trading mode, a good Saturday and Monday behind me I am about as ready as I ever could be for Cheltenham. I just hope it is ready. Last year was really tough and was a big struggle based on the previous year. It felt completely different. I’d love to offer up a prediction for this year but I am afraid I can’t. I’ll probably have a better idea of how it feels tomorrow evening though. I’ll post up if I have any thoughts. Don’t take no post as a negative, just use it as an indication that I am too whacked out to post!

One thing you will will notice with the markets at Cheltenham is that there is a lot of money around. This tends to squash price movement and this can be a problem for people used to more volatile markets. If you think about this, rather than viewing it in a negative fashion, it also has some beneficial effects. In more volatile markets it is not uncommon to see a price move from say, 2’s to somewhere approaching 3’s. That doesn’t typically happen in the bigger markets, so you can take on more risk if you wish. It’s a high stakes game but one that works wonderfully well if you get it right.

My first objective is to try and get a £100k turnover race through as quickly as possible this week. If I can do that early in the week, I can set myself up for a crack at a record race later in the week. None of that is guaranteed of course, I could end up with a record loss, but there is no harm in trying!

Category: Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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