Betfair account closed, suspended or restricted?

When you open a Betfair betting exchange account, one of the great advantages of betting on the Betfair exchange is that they won’t close your account if you are a winner. I’m a long term winner over a large number of years and can confirm that this is a perfectly acceptable outcome on a betting exchange. Phew!

But there are reasons why your account may be legitimately restricted. Unfortunately, most of the Betfair help desk staff won’t understand these issues or discuss them properly on the live chat. So I thought it was worth documenting them for anybody affected.

If you find yourself locked out of your Betfair account, have a read of this blog post, but also visit our forum where you can get help from people who can immediately advise you. If you are worried about your account being restricted or closed, reading the following advice should re-assure you about what you should do to avoid this scenario.

So let us find out the reasons why your account may be restricted and what you can do to avoid it or get your account re-opened or reinstated.

How do I know my account is closed or suspended?

The first you may know that your account has been suspended or closed is via an email or when you try to login with your username and password to your account. At this point, you may be notified that you have either done something wrong, or something is wrong with your account.

Probably your first port of call will be with Betfair customer service and this will resolve certain issues concerning the suspension of user accounts, but not all. If your account suspension is towards the bottom of this list, your standard support person will only get a message and not be able to remedy your issue. You will hit a brick wall.

Therefore, we will list not only the most common reasons for suspension, but also the paths you can follow to remedy them. Especially when you get stuck at Betfair customer services.

Betfair account suspension – Easy to solve

Account pending password change

If you get this message when you try to log into your Betfair account via some API software, this means that your account has been locked because of a failed login. This is easily resolved by attempting to log into your account directly on the Betfair web site.

If you try this and it fails, a password recovery process will start. This will use the information you have previously supplied in your account. If that fails, you would then need to contact Betfair customer services to re-validate.


In some cases, you may have chosen to have a period of temporary or permanent self-exclusion. For the temporary self-exclusion, it is possible to have the account reactivated by contacting Betfair customer service providers. However, if it is a permanent self-exclusion, it is not possible to have the account reactivated. This is permanent and will not be reversed under any circumstances.

If one gambling company merges with another, then it’s not impossible they will try to combine operations. If you have excluded yourself from a connected company, you may find the database matches your exclusion as well and your account defaults to exclusion.

Account verfication

One of the reasons why a Betfair account may be shut down temporarily is that there might be some issues verifying the account. There is an entire section on the Betfair account page when you log in which tells you exactly how to verify your account and what is required to do so. If you are stuck, the Betfair help desk can get involved to nudge the process along.

If you fail to verify your account you will be unable to withdraw any funds and your account is likely to be suspended without notice. So make sure you make the effort to get verified. It’s a pretty simple process and should be the first thing you do when you sign up.

Betfair account suspension – Complex issues

When we talk about more complex issues, these are issues where a quick chat to Betfair customer support is unlikely to resolve your problems and you will end up talking to Betfair at a much more elevated level.

Some are a bit more complex than others, but some there is a clear and obvious process to get the account reviewed.

The account owner and user are different

This is linked to the ‘account verification’ process. If there is a situation where there is ‘reasonable’ suspicion that the owner of the account is not the same as the person running or using the account. Betfair will suspend the account and start an investigation.

There are many reasons why this is clamped down on, one will follow this paragraph. But this is incorporated in their terms and conditions so be aware that you could be in technical breach of terms if this is what you are doing.

Premium Charge Avoidance

This is linked to the previous reason. You may think that a ‘neat’ way to avoid the Betfair premium charge is to simply trade on somebody else’s account. This is what some people ‘claim’ to do. But from personal experience, I can tell you that if you are a moderately sized trader then Betfair with obviously see your profits drop dramatically, only for some random person to suddenly become a brilliant trader. It’s a bit of a dead giveaway that you are using somebody else’s account to avoid paying premium charges.

Your account will be suspended pending an investigation and you will likely forfeit your balance to make up any unpaid premium charge. You have been warned, read the thread on the forum if you want to see this happen in real life.

There is no process to appeal this and you will contacted, probably by the pricing team, at Betfair.

Suspected Money Laundering

Betfair and other betting companies are legally obliged by the governemnt and regulators to be red hot on money laundering.

Most bookmakers have very advanced fraud preventions systems which are also geared to spot unusual activity. So if you are thinking of swapping money between accounts by taking advantage of thin markets, watch out! It doesn’t mean you will definitely see your account shut, but it will almost certainly get flagged in a few milliseconds.

You may also send up a flag if you deposit and withdraw money too many times in a short while and other such similar activities. Account reviews in these sorts of circumstances can be long-winded and tough to prove, but if you are innocent then that will shine through.

However it can take a lot of effort to prove exactly what you were doing, so it’s better to avoid any sort of activity that could fall into that trap. But all genuine cases get resolved in my experience.

Account closed due to a commerical profile usage

This issue requires a more in-depth explanation as it can occur due to overuse of practice mode. Why will be explained towards the end of this section. But let us explain what a ‘commerical usage profile’ is.

Betfair considers it’s data and your bets, propertiety information owned by them and they want to protect this. Betfair doesn’t want to share its (your) pricing of its markets to any competitors, as this may confer a business advantage. After all, betting exchange markets are more efficient and often better priced than a traditional bookmaker.

In days gone by, bookmakers would price their own markets. But in order to not get caught by people arbing, or just a gamble in general. All prices in the industry tend to converge and betting exchanges are a key part of that mix. You can bet more on an exchange, so it tends to lead the price action.

Betfair charges commercial organisations large fees to access its data. Therefore if you create an account and just read data from markets and never place a bet, it will look suspiciously like you are just harvesting or relaying data. Therefore your account will be limited so that it fails to function correctly.

This can happen if you use Bet Angel in a practice mode and never place a bet. Betfair has no idea you are in practice mode, so as far as they are concerned you are probably harvesting data. Restricted data or refreshing also occurs if you have no funds in your account.

It’s easy to avoid falling into this trap, as all you need to do is fund your account so you are positively indentified and then make sure you place real bets or Betfair trades on a regular basis.

If your account is restricted in this manner check out this forum thread for how to appeal a restriction –

Betfair Account closed on business grounds

This problem is very similar to the previous issue but is slightly more nuanced as it’s more based around your activity against the amount it can generate for Betfair.

Like all businesses, Betfair is, err… a business and if you hammer the exchange, like refreshing it frequently and placing few bets there is little incentive for Betfair to service your account. If they allowed people to hammer the exchange without any revenue, losses would soon rack up and they would go out of business. Nobody wants that!

Before you panic, Betfair don’t close accounts like this lightly, they are only looking at real outliers.

For example, we were recently following a case of a user who accidentally racked up millions of refreshes on top of their usual activity and had his account suspended. But on review, it was fairly obvious what had happened and all was well and good again.

Using streaming on Bet Angel will significantly minimise any chance of this happening. Also using the many features within Bet Angel’s Guardian tool will help you manage your activity and market searching in a carefully controlled manner. Curiously, the Betfair website is much less efficient and more likely, when used with software, to generate a lot of activity while not immediately generating any revenue for Betfair.

The appeal process to this is the same as listed here.


Betting exchanges are the only place in the betting world where you account will not be closed if you are a consistent winner. I opened my account 20 years ago, have been very succesful and still enjoy the many advantages of betting exchanges.

However, there are a number of regulatory hurdles that all betting companies have to adhere to so make sure you are aware of this and fullfil your obligation to be compliant.

Betfair is also a business, and while they can be a bit heavy-handed and clumsy at times, our experience is if you have your account accidentally closed or limited, then it’s very likely this will be reversed. Our discussions with them indicate the number of accounts affected is very small in comparison to the total user base and truly errant closures are often reversed.

But to achieve that, you may need to go beyond the helpdesk as they will not be aware or have the authority to look any deeper.

  1. Robert Goats 4 years ago

    Well after having just received a Betfair scarf and some promo material in the post for next years Betfair Chase, I’m guessing I must be one of their more ‘VIP’ or ‘highly valued’ customers. Can’t think why though! lol

    • Peter Webb 4 years ago

      I always find this a little odd, maybe you have been profiled in some way? I actually haven’t received anything from Betfair for some time. I did get something from Betfair Australia though, they seem more proactive out there for some reason.

  2. Rob 4 years ago

    Hi Peter
    I had on online Paddy power account that I rang to get closed a few years back as I was betting a bit much. I also have a Betfair account and as Paddy power has merged with Betfair they have restricted my account. I have put a lot of time money and effort into learning how to trade through your online video’s and taken online courses. I have tried to ring and explain to Betfair but with no luck. I am using an account in a relative’s name but I would prefer to use my own. Is there any advice you could give me to get my account open again. Thanks Rob

    • Peter Webb 4 years ago

      Unfortunately, if you self restrict and companies merge, then you may find that restrictions carry over. The regulator and press are red hot on not letting, or highlighting, situations where companies have let previously restricted customers back into the system. So they do everything to avoid it.

  3. Oliver Lynch 4 years ago

    To whom this concerns,

                          I’ve recently been locked out of my account as it has been reviewed and I received an Email asking for the confirmation which I have attached in this Email. As I was trying to continue to follow your procedure I ran into to trouble because when I entered the username and password it just advised me that i was locked out and couldn’t continue going any further this why i have Emailed you. I hope this does not effect the pay out speed due to the funds was meant to be for xmas. Regards Oliver Lynch

  4. Paul Dupre 4 years ago

    I have moved from Farnborough, Hampshire to Sutton, Surrey this month and when I informed Betfair they closed/suspended my account. What should I do as I have tried to contact them, but they insist on getting documents that don’t exist yet. I had a balance in my account which I tried to withdraw before Christmas, however they would only send to my moneybookers account, which I no longer use, so I thought I’d leave it until I move and try and deal with it then. Now, I have no access to my account and they say it’s linked to a duplicate account and are being deliberately awkward towards me. They appear to have no lines of communication.

    • Peter Webb 4 years ago

      Betfair used to have a fully manned call centre before the Paddy Power take over, but that seems to have gone now and the only thing that you can ‘talk’ to somebody on is ‘live’ chat. But that seems to be creaking o late. It’s difficult to know what to recommend as there have been a fair few of these queries of late. But the advice I was always given to resolve an issue was to call high. I.e. go straight to the top to get serious problems resolved.

  5. James 4 years ago

    Well I.opened an account in Oct 2020, bet mostly on the US election and haven’t been paid yet. I would not touch it again
    They have had since Oct and not paid out despite numerous emails. Plus they have closed my account. It is not a properly run business. I’ll be going to my local politician and asking that it be restricted from operating.

  6. Joanne 3 years ago

    I’m absolutely raging I tried to login to my betfair exchange account and they’ve closed it down when they owe me £550 and £300, I also have £40 in my playing account, I have tried to phone but no luck so far I won’t let this lye.

    • Peter Webb 3 years ago

      What reason have they given you for closing the account?

  7. Jon 3 years ago

    Betfair closed my account with around 5k$ for two months ago for no reason. I have played poker there almost every day the last 6 months and donated also some on sportsbetting.
    When I asked them why, they told me they needed me to verify my account with documents. I`ve sent them everything they needed right away, and they told me everything is fine beside they also needed me to verify my adress which I also did.

    After that its IMPOSSIBLE to get any more help.
    I have tried to speak with live support like 10 times and they just tell me to wait since there is nothing more they can help me with. Now its gone over a month since Ive heard anything.

    I have also answered the last mail where they confirmed they got my documents several times, but there is no answer to get.

    I am so sad and frustrated over this lack of support. I simply dont know how to get help. For me this is shocking that they can treat customers like this.
    Do someone know how there is possible to get any kind of help with this?

    With the hand on my heart I can say that I have done nothing wrong, and there is no way reason to close my account.

    Best regards,


  8. Dean 3 years ago


    They have done the exact same to me. I opened a Betfair account, had it all verified, no issues withdrawing. In the duration of having betfair, I opened a paddy power account via a free promotion, used the free bet then never used the account, to be honest I forgot all about it. Only last week I won the main sweat tournament on there, the next day they closed my account and told me it was because paddy power was closed due to business reasons and they are to retain my funds. One manager quoted, which I have a screen shot of “you’ve won more than you’ve lost so what’s your problem” and if I’d lost more than I’d won I’d get my money back, I’ve never heard as much rubbish in my life, no reasoning for the closure of the account and I 100% didn’t break any terms or conditions.
    I spoke to Paddy and they said I got an email saying my account at Betfair was closed on the 12 December, checked my emails and no such email, again via a screen shot they said it doesn’t matter if you didn’t get the email, your account is closed and that’s final.

    Obviously I’ve began seeking all avenues to get my money back which they have effectively stolen.

    First you need to form a champion complaint, if no joy with that then you need a deadlock number which they have 10 business days to sort that with you, then you can seek IBAS for help. No joy there then you can speak to the gambling commission.

    I’ve began seeking legal advice, I will go to the highest lengths to make sure this is dealt with in the proper manner and also make people aware publicly how they are pulling off these kind of stunts left right and centre. I’ll make sure all forms of social media are to know what’s gone on here whether I get my money back or not. Absolute scandal. If I’d broke any rules I would just leave it at that and take it on the chin but when I’ve broken zero T&C’s then I’ll make sure all of the above happens.

  9. Colin Rushford 3 years ago

    Got an email today from Betfair saying that my account had been closed on business grounds.
    Contacted them via live chat and nothing was expanded on.
    Problem is that I have over £700 as a balance and they are stating that they are retaining the money.
    How do I get my money back (can or should I get my money back).

  10. Andrew 3 years ago

    Colin – exact same thing happened to me this week. They are particularly bad about sharing information.
    They should allow you to withdraw your balance and should honour any open exchange bets.
    They haven’t given any clarity on open sportsbook bets to me yet.

    You may also want to escalate through this process:

    Does anyone know why this has happened? The only things I have done are watch live streams without trading on the market, traded small stakes at early prices and left my exchange open for a long period of time on my browser.

    I can’t imagine that these are enough reasons to close my account.

  11. Hem 3 years ago

    – Andrew

    I had the same thing yesterday. No help from helpdesk. I do the same have it open maybe a couple of tabs and place small bets through out the day. If they gave a warning of usage etc then ok but straight account closure seems harsh/extreme. The thing is if you wasn’t logged in the usage is the same just having it open, it’s baffling to me. I guess loads of people are on such sites more with several months of lockdown. Anyone have any joy resolving this?

  12. Ilham 3 years ago

    Hello !
    My account has been suspended just because i have added a bank card that belongs to another country ….. ( i did not know that it’s illegal or not allowed )
    Is there any chance to recuperate my account ???

  13. Carla 3 years ago

    I just had my account permanently closed now for no valid reason! they just said something like your account has been closed and with no option to re-open.

    They closed it a while back as they asked for documentation to prove my affordability but at that time my dog was very ill which i told them via phone and then they closed my account around the same time my dog died. I understood from their point of view that i needed to provide them with documentation but it was a stressful time and i felt they should have given me more time…. anyways after this they sent me a emails saying some of my bets were still on if i want my account re-opened to contact them with the relevant info, so this is what i attempted to did after about 2 months.

    On the phone they asked only for bank statement OR tax returns, but I know what they are like as a someone I know went through a similar process and had His account back, so he advised me on what to send them also, so it doesn’t take up any longer as they always seem to come back asking for more, more, more making it as difficult as possible so most people wont bother.

    I sent them Proof of winning that I had from another bookie ladbrokes, which is what i told them how i was funding the account in the first place, they also said they don’t base it on that, so needed to prove i could afford it without that funding which i can anyways as i am a sole trader and trade under by name.

    I sent them the following,
    Ladbrokes Profit & Loss, (which they asked for)
    Ladbrokes proof that the money was paid in via my bank statement (which they asked for)
    Band Statements (which they asked for)
    Client Invoices/Receipts (they didn’t ask for this but i knew it was coming)
    Profit & Loss business accounts
    Paypal business in my name, ingoings/outgoings

    They then came back to me with the below message.
    Whilst you stated that you have funded the activity with your winnings, we also need to have an overview of your financial situation to address the activity of the account moving forward and for this purpose your latest tax return is needed.
    The invoices you are provided are not in an official format as there is no signature nor stamps or name of the Company. Can you please provide with the original copies?

    Then I basically replied saying that…. they are treating me differently because I know someone I know who has gone through a similar process and was cleared but sent even less…. and was approved but me NO I wasn’t approved which is against gambling commissions Fair and transparent terms and practices because they did not ask him for his stamps/signature on his invoices but with they are…. so surely I am being treated unfairly, so I asked them why am I being treated different as its seems a little sexist because I am a woman.

    You have also NOW , just requested a stamp & signature on the invoices/receipts. However, as you should know and should be aware in business as a Sole Trader under the Rules of Self-Employment, I do not have a company name, and therefore no stamp as this is NOT REQUIRED as I am not a limited company but a simple sole trader, trading under my own name for the services I have provided to clients which clearly shows on all the invoices that I have already submitted to you. I am merely self-employed of which I am perfectly entitled to be.

    Please see attached document taken from photograph from my phone of my UTR (Unique Tax Reference number) which was registered in December 2020 , AS a new business, it does not yet require any tax returns, but this document clearly shows that I have already applied and been issued with a UTR number ready to do so.

    THEY DID NOT LIKE MY RESPONSE… is there anything I can do to open the account back up…. someone mentioned IBAS? or take legal action against them for sexism, stress or anything else.

    SORRY for the long message, stay safe & keep well

  14. andrew king 3 years ago

    i self excluded myself from paddy power in 2015 , not because of losses but because they limited my bets after several wins, 6 years later betfair closed my account with no warning with me having over k5 over live bets still with them , they said they will honour my bet but i have no way to view my account to make sure my bets have been settled correctly . its took them 6 years since my pp account was self excluded now i wish i had closed it , it has come back now to bite me

  15. DAVID OOI 3 years ago

    betfair close my account ask for proof source of income ! because i lose more then 40k GBP !
    really difficult ask me proof the income !

  16. Ket 3 years ago

    Hi, can betfair take your money after suspending your account if you don’t reactivate for many years? Is there a time limit?

    • Peter Webb 3 years ago

      I think there is a clause in most bookmaker contracts that allow them to make deductions if an account is unused for some time. It’s a ‘service fee’ or something. Not particularly ethical, but I’ve seen it. Not sure if it applies to Betfair.

  17. Aleksandra 3 years ago

    My account was denied dont knowing what to do as before I receive all emails that my documents been verified

  18. David Brownbill 3 years ago

    been a member for 20 yrs and out the blue they shut my account down 2 months ago as I self excluded 8 years ago for a period of 6 months.
    As much as I think its the best exchange site out there I now no longer want to chase the cause of getting it reopened as I think the customer service is appalling, and I would no longer feel comfortable having funds sat in that account as they seem to have this power of pulling the plug on you, and its very hard to get them to under stand your frustration via live chat.
    if ever a company had to go under then I really do hope its betfair

  19. Dennis Cox 3 years ago

    I asked the Betfair Help Line why my bet hadn’t been settled – my account was suspended and can’t get any answer as to why. They said a team was assessing my account and would get back to me.

  20. Peter 2 years ago

    Hi just opened a account deposit £10 won £70 went to withdraw £35 they closed my account and said for security reasons and they won’t give me back the winnings I said will they give me my £10 deposit back they said yes 2to5 working days I feel like this is a scam read so many bad reviews I’m scared now they might take money out of my bank anybody had problems like this and is it a safe site ect and can they legally withhold my winnings I’m fully verified and when on chat it’s like they didn’t care

  21. TheTraderBet 2 years ago

    Betfair’s policy can be oppressive. If we are not indigenous to the country where we registered the account, do not have sufficient verification documents and often use a different VPN or IP this leads to even more frequent account blocks.

  22. Alan 1 year ago

    Today I spoke with someone from the safe gambling department.
    They wanted to talk to me about how I finance my account.
    I have been placing bets there for 21 years.
    Long and short of this, I wasn’t prepared to give them my financial information and wasn’t prepared to discuss with them what I considered a level of money that I could comfortably afford to gamble with.
    The guy said to me my account will be suspended and I won’t be able to deposit money or bet on the site until I have this conversation with them.
    Suffice to say I have become one of the many affected by the government’s gambling legislation.
    Because a few can not trust themselves of have problems with gambling many more people who can I caught in the fallout.
    Do they really think this legislation will stop people with gambling addiction stop gambling lol.
    My wife spends hundreds a month on clothes, maybe the government should put in place legislation whereby she has to prove she can Offord to shop as she does.
    Your money is really not your own in truth.

  23. Nawty 11 months ago

    I had some imbecile hack my account and it got suspended on sept 2nd. I had a right game with Betfair as they dont accept scanned document evidence. I didnt get my account reinstated until 8 sept. In the morning they reactivated my account. I went to go and change my password for security and found my access was denied and my account had been closed due to business reasons. They gave no explanation. I was fuming. I suffered because of some git hacking my account. I submitted the evidence (eventually) and they reward me by closing my account. I was looking around at other exchanges but they dont have the liquidity of the betfair markets. My question is would I be able to open another account? My account was closed but they didnt ban me. If I did open another account its not the same as having 2 accounts which I know is not permitted. I had a couple of hundred pounds in that account and I am waiting for the email to confirm the refund. If you had to go to another exchange where would you go out of curiosity?

    • Peter Webb 11 months ago

      Sorry to hear that, I suspect that you have been caught by an automated system here when you created the new account. Betfair don’t allow duplicate accounts so an automated system checks for duplicate addresses and automatically closes the account. You can get the reversed. Pop into the forum and we will point you to the all the threads where you can read about how people have got this resolved.

  24. Nawty 11 months ago

    Thanks for taking the time to reply but you misunderstood me. Its not a duplicate account. They didn’t ban me from the site I think they closed account due to verification issues. At the moment I have no account with Betfair. So possible workaround would be just to open a new account with a new user name. I have put some thought into this and have had some new documents sent by my bank and now have proof of funds. I will try to get it reactivated later this week. If I have no joy I will try to open a new account. I would still like to know if you had to go to another exchange where you would go Betdaq for instance? Will check out the forum. Thanks for your time matey🤪

    • Peter Webb 11 months ago

      Sorry, I sort of thought you had opened another account and that had triggered it. It’s infruiating when they just close and don’t offer any explanation apart from a generic response. I updated my address on my main Bet Angel account, that we use to run the software and they closed that!

  25. Nawty 10 months ago

    Just to bring you up to date. I actually managed to get account reinstated AT LAST😎. It was grief though. Why they dont accept scans is beyond me as scans are better quality than jpegs. The moron who hacked my account changed my address and security questions. Then Betfair said I had two accounts. Obviously this was down to the activities of the selfish prick who hacked the account. They didn’t get their hands on my funds thankfuly. Betair actually refunded me as it was taking so long to complete verification. I spent nearly 2 days in time with their customer service. They reopened my account and then I still couldnt get access. This morning got onto customer service AGAIN and managed to reset password and got in my account. It was tedious mental torture getting through this. I was pissed at Betfair for treating me so bad but really I should be more angry with the selfish cretin who hacked account. I would gladly put a bullet in their head for the grief they’ve caused. Once again thanks for you time kind sir😀

    • Peter Webb 10 months ago

      Glad to hear you are back on line. The best way to avoid any compromise of your account is to set up two factor authentication. It’s very hard for anybody to overcome that and it stops most casual sorts of account hacking.

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