Tag: premium charge

120% Premium charge!

120% Premium charge!

As premium charge payers know it’s PC day today. What a surprise then to see Betfair have double debited my account. So this week I paid 120% premium charge, ouch!

Obviously a mistake, but I suggest all premium charge payers check their account immediately and flag it to Betfair. It looks like everybody is affected. Nice timing Betfair!

[EDIT : About two hours later the duplicate charge was refunded. I imagine this is applicable to everybody, but please check, just …

21/12/2011 | By More


A long time ago I worked for a company where the MD had a great idea. A quick way to boost profits was to levy a new charge for delivery. He asked for comments.

“Jelly” I responded. Everybody thought  it was an insult not piece of insight. But my point was that like squashing Jelly, new charges wouldn’t lead to the problem being stamped on, it would just lead to the problem oozing out elsewhere in the business.

Imposing the …

05/07/2011 | By More
Betfair premium charge & earnings soar

Betfair premium charge & earnings soar

As we are all aware now, Betfair pleaded poverty and an imbalanced business model again yesterday, when announcing another new charge. This time hitting consistent earners for up to 60% of their profits. We heard the similar stories for data charges, transaction charges and the premium charge part one and all the other various amendments over the years to their charge structure.

This didn’t stop them from announcing record revenue and earnings a few hours later. Earnings per share are …

29/06/2011 | By More
No alternative?

No alternative?



28/06/2011 | By More
15:10 Leicester – LOL!

15:10 Leicester – LOL!

091013 - 1510

13/10/2009 | By More