Tag: peer-to-peer

Let’s stop exchanges going the same way as the Jitney

Let’s stop exchanges going the same way as the Jitney

I’ve just been watching a TED talk and the story about the Jitney bus. It follows on with other peer to peer talks. Watch it here: –


It’s similar to a story I told about horseless carriages to an MP a few years ago. People tend to see innovations as a threat and not an opportunity. That is until such time as more liberal regime pops up and destroys them! Establised systems need not worry about cannibalising their own

14/03/2016 | By | Reply More
Will models like Augur replace Betfair?

Will models like Augur replace Betfair?

Back during the dot-com boom in the year 2000 disintermediation was a keyword that was floating around.

If you used word disintermediation in a sentence along with the words  dot-com, it was highly likely that you’d be able to secure funding for your project the matter how much money you asked for, or how stupid the idea was. Disintermediation was the posh word for what is now known to become as peer-to-peer engagement. Basically two people trading services or goods

12/08/2015 | By | Reply More