Tag: labour

A Corbyn coup

A Corbyn coup

I started getting into political markets a few years ago. The first market I seriously played was the US presidential market in 2004. For the last election over there, I was actually present in the country, which was quite interesting. Since then I’ve spent a fair amount of time looking at political markets. The most recent is the next Labour leader. Whether you make or lose money you always learn something from your participation in the market amd the same

11/09/2015 | By | Reply More
No overall majority

No overall majority

Never was such a word so true. The UK election this morning brought out a true hung parliament where only a coalition amongst truly minor parties can bring a majority government. Not an ideal scenario for a country facing some tough policy decisions. We could have the prospect of a minority of votes electing the government, I think that wouldn’t be acceptable to the populace. It’s going to be an interesting few days.

Anyhow, one of the most active markets …

07/05/2010 | By More
Three’s a crowd

Three’s a crowd

With another general election TV debate tonight I’ll be keeping an eye on the markets. After the last debate it seemed clear that Clegg won but I was surprised at how that translated into market movements. I am a big sceptic on polls during an election. Telling somebody how you will vote is an anathema to most people, so I don’t believe that a stranger asking how you are going to vote generates a valid opinion. As always, my preference …

22/04/2010 | By More